The South East Asia Survey Congress 2019 (SEASC2019 Darwin) will be held in Darwin between 15 and 18 August 2019.
The event, South East Asia’s leading regional survey summit, will be hosted by the Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI), the peak body for Australia’s spatial professionals.
Speaking at the 67th ASEAN FLAG Council Meeting in Sabah, Malaysia, SSSI Director Lee Hellen said that the launch of the conference website – http://www.seasc2019darwin.com.au – was a great way to mark one year to the start of SEASC2019.
“The SEASC2019 Darwin theme – Collaboration | Communication | Capacity Building – is so appropriate for an event built to highlight the global value of one of our oldest technical professions. Surveying is a profession in which Australians are recognised as global leaders”, said Mr Hellen.
Mr Hellen said that SEASC2019 Darwin would deliver an extraordinary professional, cultural and social diversity experience.
Rob Sarib, SEASC2019 Darwin Congress Convenor, promises a hearty Top End welcome to delegates from across Australia, South East Asia, and globally.
“We will welcome our friends and colleagues to some of the most stunning landscapes and the oldest continuing culture in the world. We will also give them a world-standard program of speakers and interactive sessions, and a personal and professional experience which they will remember forever”, said Mr Sarib.
The event in Darwin will be carried out in collaboration with the ASEAN Federation of Land Surveying and Geomatics, a duly recognised civil society organisation by the ASEAN, under a Memorandum of Understanding between ASEAN FLAG and SSSI signed in Taichung, Taiwan on 21 March 2018. SEASC is a banner event of the ASEAN FLAG held once every two years.