Wednesday 23rd January 2019:
As a mother of two, I’ve spent quite a few nights creeping through the halls checking sleeping babies. I know they’re sick with a cold, I know they’re just snoring because their noses are blocked but I’m beside myself with fear. What if I’ve given them too much Panadol?! The negative thoughts are paralysing and relentless. I’ve taken them to the ER prematurely only to be slightly ashamed when they send me home telling me to come back if they’re dehydrated.

Excuse my French, but how the f*%#^ am I meant to know when they’re dehydrated? I barely knew when they were hungry or tired. I couldn’t even tell if I was hungry let alone dehydrated!

This all too familiar scenario is how We Test originally came about. My good friend who is a Doctor gave me some of his urine analysis strips and a long list of complicated ways to read the results. I did now, nonetheless, have a tool that allowed me to measure dehydration. I could even push it in a wet nappy for an accurate result!!

Years later and with both kids healthy and at school, I can say I finally re-invented those strips for everyone to use. They’re government approved for self-testing and work much like a pregnancy test does. They offer real time results for 11 different things and can also be pushed into a wet nappy. Halleluiah.

Now when my kids say they have a sore tummy or are overly tired, I immediately get them to do a We Test. Along with taking their temperature, I finally have another tool in my box. More often than not they are dehydrated and nothing else major shows up.

I still linger in the shadows at night listening to them breathing and covering them up but I’m definitely less panicked.

We Test looks for dehydration, glucose, protein, vitamin C, pH levels, white blood cells, nitrite, ketones, bilirubin, urobilinogen and blood.

Each We Test kit contains three strips, a colour chart and an information sheet. Each box contains three individually packaged tests and will be available for RRP $19.99 at selected pharmacies and online.

For more information or to purchase, visit


For further information, images or interviews, contact:

Ms Sophie Castleman – Founder
T : 02 9388 7579
M : 0404068926
[email protected]

The We Test® offers insight into the following parameters:

DEHYDRATION – Dehydration occurs when your body doesn’t have as much water as it needs. Test to see whether you’ve been drinking enough water to keep you hydrated.
GLUCOSE – Normally, your urine should not contain any glucose. The presence of glucose may indicate a problem. If you detect glucose in your urine with the We Test, you should consult your doctor.
PROTEIN – Your kidneys play an important role in protein metabolism. Normally, only excess protein will be filtered into urine. If you detect protein in your urine with the We Test, you should consult your doctor.
VITAMIN C – Vitamin C is an important vitamin for the body. Excess vitamin C is excreted in urine. If you are taking a vitamin C supplement and detect vitamin C in urine, your body has more than it needs.
pH LEVELS – pH is a measure of acidity or alkalinity in the urine. Differences in your diet can affect the acidity or alkalinity of your urine. Use the We Test to test the pH of your urine. If the We Test indicates that your urine pH is outside the normal range, you may need to consult your doctor.
WHITE BLOOD CELLS –White blood cells in the urine may indicate infection. If you detect white blood cells in your urine with the We Test, you should consult your doctor.
NITRITE –Nitrites in the urine may indicate signs of infection. Test your urine for the presence of nitrites. If you detect nitrite in your urine with the We Test, you should consult your doctor.
KETONES – Test to detect the presence of ketones in the urine. Ketones are produced by the liver. Their presence in urine can be caused by a wide range of factors worth discussing with your doctor.
BILIRUBIN – Bilirubin is not normally present in urine. If Bilirubin is detected, you should consult your doctor.
UROBILINOGEN – Urobilogen is not normally present in urine. If urobilogen is detected, you should consult your doctor.
BLOOD – Blood is not normally present in urine. A number of causes can lead to blood being passed into your urine. If you detect blood in your urine with the We Test, you should consult your doctor.