PRESS RELEASE: Registrations now open for an AWEsome CLEAN UP experience

Registrations now open for an AWEsome experience
Clean Up events for young people starting with schools (U12) on Friday 1 March 2019, and carried across to Youth Clean Ups (12+) over the weekend of 2-3 March, inspire young Australians to learn about the impact of rubbish on their local environment while playing an active role in their community.
Online registrations are free and now open at
According to Clean Up Australia Managing Director, Terrie-Ann Johnson, young people are in AWE of the environment, so it’s important to show them how to preserve and care for it so they can play a part in establishing a more sustainable and positive future.
“Clean Up Schools and Clean Up Youth Days are a proactive way to demonstrate that lots of small actions, like picking up litter, can help reduce the pollution clogging our precious parks, bushland, waterways and oceans before it kills our wildlife,” said Terrie-Ann.
It’s an AWEsome environmental experience for primary and high schools, youth and sporting groups to work together to clean up a local area which is special to them:
A wareness – opening students and young people’s eyes to the scale of rubbish that is harming our wildlife
W ell-being – A Clean Up rewards participants as they see how keeping the environment healthy is part of leading a healthy life
E mpowerment – Kids are empowered to take positive action to make their schools, club houses, sporting grounds and outdoor spaces the cleanest places they can be.
“We are fostering our environmental custodians of the future and teaching them that action is louder than words,” said Terrie-Ann.
“Our founder Ian Kiernan AO firmly believed that when it comes to young people, the future of our environment is in good hands. Opening their eyes starts with looking around them at the litter that is accumulating in the spaces they share. Once they understand its simply not going to go away unless they intervene, they are empowered to take that first action step.”
Curriculum linked lesson plans are available online for Schools and Youth Clean Up Day, to help teachers and leaders maximise the success of the experience and focus your student’s or group’s attention on waste, water and energy topics by giving then practical things to do as they learn.
“I urge all young Australians to get involved in our 2019 Clean Up through your primary or high school; sporting, social or faith-based clubs; or any other group of enthusiastic young people.”

The change starts with you, whether by registering a site or running a fundraising event to help Clean Up Australia continue our important environmental work.”
In 2018, 2,214 pre-school and primary schools and 1,244 high schools and youth groups registered clean up sites nationally. This represented a 24% increase over the previous two years.
To register your clean up event or make a donation go to
For further information about participating schools, interview opportunities and photos please contact Tracey Wigg on 0419 141 266.