PRESS RELEASE: October 2019 Koh Samui – Rob’s Dogs Vegan Cookbook for Humans Saves Endless Street Dogs in Asia

A creatively written, vegan cookery book ‘I Can’t Believe It’s Vegan’, has been penned
by one of the passionate supporters of the Australian based charity Rob’s Dogs. The author who has kindly gifted the book is a proud vegan and is keen to do the right thing for the planet: not only in animal welfare for meat-farmed animals but for the animals that intersperse the streets of Asia; the soi dog. The e-book is packed full of delicious plant-based recipes which support personal health and growing environmental concerns.

The book offers a balanced collection of home-cooked Australian favourites and some spicier Asian dishes. For readers that would like to embark on a vegan journey, photographs aid the already easy-to-follow instructions. Toad-in-the-hole, sausage rolls, pasties and other wholesome Australian fayre appear in the savoury section and sit comfortably next to their exotic counterparts with lemon ‘chicken’, Mongolian ‘beef’, sweet chilli‘ chicken’ and Thai pumpkin soup. The dessert section just as appealing with delicious delights from both continents.

Rob’s Dogs was founded in 2013 and is a small hands-on charitable organisation. The charity works closely with seven small animal welfare groups around the world and provides administration, marketing and fund-raising support. Much of their work focuses on vital neutering programmes for street dogs, which if remaining sterile unwanted puppy numbers rapidly spiral out of control. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) estimates that one female dog can produce almost 70,000 puppies in just six years.

The book is easy to order Each book sold can spay or neuter one animal which saves many lives of unnecessary suffering.

“The kindness one does for an animal may not change the world, but it will change the world for that one animal.”