PRESS RELEASE: How the Sydney Yoga Collective is Empowering Women

How the Sydney Yoga Collective is Empowering Women

Sydney-based yoga company The Sydney Yoga Collective (SYC) is on a mission to empower women by redefining what it means to be an everyday yogi.

Sydney, March 2020: Upon hearing the word ‘yogi’, many of us will conjure up images of someone young, lean and flexible – mainly as a result of the dominating influence of social media.

SYC Founder and yogi expert, Casey Castro, is working to shatter this outdated ideology. She not only preaches but practices within her Bondi-junction based yoga studio, Soul Flow Yoga, how the ancient art of being zen can benefit all women, regardless of age, body-type and ability-level.

“Not everyone fits the Instagram yogi stereotype, and the image portrayed on social media is unrealistic,” she said.

“Being a cake-eating mother of four, I certainly don’t fit this mould, but that’s not to say my body is not a proverbial temple, more like a well-oiled machine that functions with different priorities. It doesn’t make me a bad yogi, in fact, it makes me embody what I teach.”

Contrary to classic understandings of yoga classes, often considered to be intense and highly-spiritual, Casey incorporates humour and comedy to ensure the experience is comfortable and non-confronting.

“Yoga is for everybody. Every person, of every different age shape and level. You don’t need to be able to touch your toes to do yoga, or do a handstand or contort your body into some incredible shape. You just need to be you. To show up. Show up without expectations, without pretence, without ego,” said Casey.

“As Nirvana said, come as you are.”
