PRESS RELEASE: Australian IoT Company filling the gaps in the asset tracking market

Binary Tech, a Wollongong, NSW, based company is working to help the mobile equipment industry

Introducing Cicada Asset Trackers by Binary Tech, a wireless, low-cost asset tracker to help businesses track their assets.

Whether it is construction, quarries, landscaping, hire equipment, cold logistics shipments, these tracking devices are used to keep tabs on assets within any business who operate with mobile equipment.

“You can’t make good decisions without good data. We wanted a cost-effective solution for lower value assets. People are used to tracking vehicles & heavy equipment with expensive telematics solutions. That’s why there has been such a huge surge in telematics & vehicle tracking. Companies are realising that they can’t act on what they don’t know. The trouble is that this information has always been expensive to get, so companies only focus on the ‘big-ticket items’. With the Cicada, companies can get that same quality of information, at a much lower price point, making it achievable for smaller items,” said CEO of Binary Tech, Michael Burton.

These sensors have been developed in-house with low power technology so the sensors are self-contained and can be run for thousands of uploads on a single set of replaceable batteries.

“Companies assume that because the equipment is booked to a project it is in use, or because a shipment has been dispatched, it is taking the most direct route. This simply isn’t the case. We’ve seen project managers book out equipment to a project and leave it there idle for weeks, just so it was there when they were ready for it. We’ve even seen food and beverage shipped from Sydney to Melbourne via Perth! What does crossing the desert TWICE do to food quality? There’s efficiency to be found everywhere, but without data, you can’t fix what you can’t see. Narrow Band telecommunications technology gives coverage in previously inaccessible situations like cool rooms, basement car parks, etc,” continued Michael.

Cicada sensors are an easy to install product using industrial adhesive, which is included, screws/rivets (compatible), or magnets (on request) in less than two minutes and can last for five years on a single battery.

“Using modern techniques including machine learning, we take the data of the entire fleet and develop meaningful insights with targeted areas of focus for different departments and stakeholders. I just can’t see a future where businesses don’t connect and monitor everything. As the technology develops it just makes sense to collect data so you make better decisions,” explained Michael.

Binary Tech’s user-friendly, web-based platform delivers the insights you need when you need them, with a live information feed, on-demand reporting and customisable alerts. However you prefer to access your information, desktop, mobile, online or SMS alerts, Binary Tech provides all the tools you need to stop worrying about your assets and focus on your business.

You can learn more about Binary Tech and the products they offer by visiting .