PRESS RELEASE: Students miss out as school brain education forced to crowdfund
Media Release
10/9/2020 – 2pm
Students miss out as school brain education forced to crowdfund
The only school-based brain education service in Australia has been forced to crowdfund to deliver the brain health message to Australian students.
Pre-Covid-19, Mindz Brainplay, a national franchise, visited 100’s of schools throughout Australia They used high-tech electroencephalographs (EEGs) to educate K-12 students about brain function, brain health and the future of brain-computer interfaces.
These visits were forced to stop due to continuing school restrictions on external teachers during Covid-19. The service is now maintained only by its founder, Phil Dye, a teacher, and past educator at the UNSW School of Medical Sciences.
“We taught not only about brain development and the positive impact of exercise and meditation, but how certain drugs could devastate the brain. We showed students inside their head using our EEGs and for some, it was life changing. We made neuroscience fun and relevant. It was something no Australian education syllabus covered. We filled the gap.
“Teachers too, through our accredited ‘Understanding the Learning Brain’ professional development course, learned about reducing their own stress levels and getting the most from their students. I don’t want this message to be lost.” Dye said.
To ensure the brain health message continues, the crowdfunding aims to produce a 12-part video series for Australian students called ‘The Noggin’. It will have episodes for all grades K-12 using students to demonstrate how the brain works and how to keep it healthy.
$16,500 is needed to produce the series which will be free to teachers and schools via YouTube. $3,500 has already been raised and a $10k corporate sponsor is being sought.
As well as essential brain education and fun, ‘The Noggin’ will focus on student wellness in these tricky times.
The campaign is through the Australian crowdfunding site Pozible and can be found by searching for ‘The Noggin’ on the Pozible site. Information on the campaign and teacher testimonials can also be found on The Noggin Facebook page or through the Mindz Brainplay website –
Media Contact: Phil Dye: Founder – Mindz Brainplay
Phone: 0412 678 179 email: [email protected] web: