Do’s and Don’ts of Media Releases


  1. Do send relevant news.
  2. Do check the accuracy of all facts, especially names, titles and phone numbers.
  3. Do include ‘quotable quotes’ – sayings or comments that stand out for their originality, simplicity and strength – and source your quotes.
  4. Do have permission from all quoted and referenced sources.
  5. Do have at least two other individuals proofread your news release.
  6. Do send a URL link for organisation information, white papers and other information.
  7. Do spend time developing an engaging heading and subject line, and the first 10 words of the lead paragraph. This could be the difference between an editor reading on or clicking delete.
  8. Do ensure that you have highlighted the top benefits or value of your event, product, service or what it is you are promoting.
  9. Do include the contact details of the best person for further information. This will be the face of your organisation.
  10. Do include further contact information such as how to obtain a media kit via post.
  11. Insert the word ‘more’ at the bottom of the first page if it is necessary to continue onto a second page.
  12. Study the media to learn what is news.
  13. When using a dictionary always use the first word supplied.
  14. Give phonetic pronunciation [in parenthesis] for difficult names or places.


  1. Don’t send any attachments, including photographs.
  2. Don’t use HTML tags, bold type, underline or colour text.
  3. Don’t send a lengthy news release (more than 650 words). You will alienate the editor.
  4. Don’t exaggerate or make inflated claims. Stick to the facts.
  5. Don’t use jargon or clichés. Go for originality and freshness. Editors love clever writing and an interesting angle that points to a solution to an issue or a trend.
  6. Don’t use complicated language if there is an easier way of saying it.
  7. Don’t use fluffy language with too many adjectives.
  8. Don’t wait until the window of opportunity has closed on sending out your news release. If the public has lost interest, you have missed your moment.
  9. Don’t leave out pertinent facts, even if they are negative towards you.