Big River Milk Next Move is on to Ditch Plastic for Glass

Moving milk to glass and ditch the plastic.
Do you remember the clink of milk bottles on the doorstep, peeling back the lid on a fresh bottle of milk and being the first to experience the creamy goodness inside? Big River Milk do. Yet somehow the magic of real milk in real glass has mostly been forgotten, along with the planet, as the milk industry produced billions of disposable plastic bottles.
Big River Milk are starting a movement in right the wrong, ditch the plastic and return milk to glass, delivered fresh to the door every day in re-washable and refillable glass bottles.
“We were really hit by the Australian ABC show ‘War on Waste’. It made us start to think about plastic in the supply chain and how can we get rid of it” said Peter Watt of Big River Milk. “We use around 500,000 bottles a year, and we’re only a small producer. It’s mind boggling to think how much plastic goes into the system.”
Big River Milk have quickly worked out that it isn’t going to be easy, and it’s not going to be cheap. “The move away from plastic is worthwhile, but we really didn’t fathom just how many changes that we would have to make to our systems. From the bottle cleaning machines, right through to upgrading the weight rating of the trucks that deliver our milk – it’s all got to change!”
While this is returning to old-school milk delivery, Big River are turning to modern day activism to help achieve their goal. “We worked out that we need a little over $400,000 to fund the change-over. We have access to about half of that, for the rest we are hoping to pre-sell milk home delivery subscriptions on our website and we are also turning to crowdfunding site Indiegogo to get like-minded people to help us raise the funds. In return we’ve come up with a series of packages from t-shirts right through to naming rights for our cows,” Peter says, “It’s just our way of giving people that we can’t supply our milk too to join our movement back to old fashioned milk, in glass, the way it should be”.
It has only been three days, but the engagement Big River Milk have been getting through their social media channels has been phenomenal. “It’s obviously struck a nerve,” exclaims Peter; we are getting hundreds of supportive comments in our posts, it looks like glass is something people feel strongly about.’’
The next step is getting people to help fund the process to eradicate plastic from the supply chain for Big River Milk. People between Tweed Heads and Port Macquarie can purchase a milk subscription on, but supporters from around the world can search for our campaign on Indiegogo and join the movement by purchasing a piece of our MooOvement merchandise or donate to the cause to help us reach our target and deliver milk in glass bottles sooner.
To learn more about Big River Milk, our Indiegogo crowdfunding venture or our move to glass bottles.
Contact Peter Watt +61 417 144 710
Director Big River Milk
[email protected]

About Big River Milk
Big River is a small dairy farm on the Clarence River in New South Wales. Our dairy began as five small dairy plots on Lawrence Road that joined together to build a boutique pasteurisation and bottling plant. Our ambition was to return milk to being real milk just the way it should be. In the last eleven years we have worked to strip away the additives, the mixing, the blending and the over-processing of milk, and get to a point where we only give our customer what the cow gives to us.
Every drop of milk we deliver comes only from the animals we have nurtured from birth. We do not buy or bottle milk from other farms or animals. That way we can guarantee the highest standard of animal welfare for our beautiful Jerseys, and we can also guarantee that not a single additive or permeate enters our milk.