PRESS RELEASE: 100 years of the Communist Party of Australia despite the opposition of Conservatives and Government

Media Release, for immediate dispatch

100 years of the Communist Party of Australia
despite the opposition of Conservatives and Government

On Friday 30th October the Communist Party of Australia celebrates the bravery of the past comrades who fought many battles against conservative forces who sought to close down the CPA “but we have survived and still continue to thrive!” said Andrew Irving, CPA General Secretary.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the failures of the capitalist system in Australia. The neoliberal policies implemented in the last 40 years has put all Australians at risk. “The underfunding of Medicare and privatisation of the health system and aged care are just a few examples of a system unprepared for such a pandemic”, Mr Irving added.

“The CPA continues to campaign against the attacks on workers’ rights by capitalist governments and for socialism!”, said Vinnie Molina, Party president.

“The end of job seeker, job keeper and free childcare are wrongful decisions adopted by the Morrison government at a time of increasing military spending”, Mr Molina added.

Thousands of homeless people are in need of an immediate investment on public housing and at the same time it will create jobs. These opportunities were missed by the recent Morrison budget.

“Australian unionists continue to be penalised for doing their job especially construction and maritime workers and their unions who regularly face criminalisation of their activities by draconian legislation”, Mr Molina concluded.

For 100 years we have been advocating for peace, democratic and workers’ rights, and fairness for all. We have been formidable opponents of racism and inequality, yet we have had to face the fiercest opposition from the authorities. The same spirit persists in the Party as we face the next 100 years of courageous work.
Watch our centenary video

Media contacts: Communist Party of Australia, CPA.
Andrew Irving, General Secretary on 0419 523 886 Email: [email protected]
Vinnie Molina, Party president on 0419 812 872 Email: [email protected]
Denis Doherty, Convener of the Centenary Committee 0418 290 663
Email: [email protected]