PRESS RELEASE: 4000km Solo Walk for Type One diabetes

Adelaide girl walks 4000km for charity, while living with a life changing chronic illness.

Eliza Bartlett, 26, living with Type 1 diabetes for 18 years, is walking solo across Europe to raise awareness Type 1 Diabetes and money for research towards finding a cure.

“I will be walking approximately 4000km from Brindisi, Southern Italy to the North-East coast of Scotland on my own.”

Eliza said: “My goal for my walk is to raise an excess of $100,000 to go directly to the best diabetes research in the world through the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF).

“The more people that tell me I’m crazy or I can’t do it the more motivated I become.

“In 2013 I walked solo from Adelaide to Melbourne and raised over $25,000 for JDRF. The injuries I suffered (requiring surgery) and the challenges I faced were worth it for the cause

“I am expecting this next walk to take me 6 months.”

“Type 1 affects 120,000 Australians, and at this stage there is no cure.”

“Type 1 diabetes has long-term complications including blindness, nerve damage, kidney disease, heart disease, and a decreased life expectancy of over 10 years.”

Eliza said: “It’s been a tough road. I’ve been extremely close to losing my life due to low blood sugars, and have had moments where I just want to give up. I have always been determined to not let this diagnosis deny me from living my best life, or define me as a person, so giving in to this disease has never been an option for me.”

Eliza begins her walk on April 1st 2019, but rest assured, this is no April fool’s joke.

Eliza, a talented cricketer and golfer, will be adding kilometres to her journey by walking via three Men’s Ashes Test matches and one women’s Ashes T20 match while journeying through the UK. She will finish her journey in golf country up in Scotland.

Eliza is holding a gala event in Adelaide on March 23rd at the Royal Adelaide Golf Club to raise money for the charity. For gala tickets visit:

Further information on her journey can be found at:
Twitter/Instagram: @elizabart

To donate visit:

For interview contact: ELIZA BARTLETT 0417578693
[email protected]