PRESS RELEASE: 6 tips when selecting a payroll solution

Recently I went to one of the ATO’s ‘Single Touch Payroll: Introduction’ seminars. These are being run at various suburban venues around the country. The ATO is getting around the market meeting micro and small businesses and educating them on with the Single Touch Payroll process.

I asked a question, “how should I go about selecting a good payroll solution”? The answer, not unexpected, was to look at the ATO’s ‘No-cost and low-cost STP solutions for Single Touch Payroll’ web page. There are several solutions on offer.

I asked myself the question ‘what should I consider when selecting a payroll solution’? I approached these tips from the position of a micro business that just wants to be ATO compliant and address its payroll and payslip concerns?

The following 6 tips are what I found to be important:

1. Free versions:
The old adage is, ‘you pay for what you get’. With the free versions you will end up paying for it somewhere in the mix, so beware if you are considering the no-charge solutions. In the majority of cases it will be missing something important and you will spend unnecessary time sorting it out or inputting data yourself. In my mind this defeats the purpose.

2. What job do I need to get done?
Don’t over capitalise on the software package that you select. In too many cases I have seen companies getting a Rolls Royce when they only needed a Commodore. If you just need a payroll system to sort out your STP and normal payroll requirements; then look for a fit-for-purpose solution; do not get caught up with excessive spending.

3. Future growth:
The payroll solution will need to be able to grow with you and provide functions you may need in the future such as, over time, additional base rates, payments per job, allowances to name a few.

4. Is it flexible as time is money?
Also look for features that provide mobile app-based solutions that will let you do your work wherever you are; I have come across several that are tie you to a desktop computer. If you are not bound to a desk, then make sure that the solution will give you mobile phone and app flexibility.

5. Support; I like to speak to someone local:
When I am having an issue or need a question answered, I like to speak to a real customer support person, and more importantly I like it when they are local, that is an Aussie call centre. I have come across several companies that intentionally do not publish a support contact phone number. I find this annoying and perplexing. It is as though they are scared to speak to their customers. My view is look for good local support, keep our jobs here.

6. Product or user experience:
The product experience, ultimately its ease of use, is important to me. I am not sure about you; however, I don’t want to be tied down by a system that is too hard to navigate around. I am out of there if it is! It needs to do what it says on the box, be easy to operate and meet its intended purpose. I don’t want to spend an unnecessary amount of time working it out.

What did I settle on?
I found Easy Payslip answered my needs; it was easy to set up, easy to operate, STP compliant, ATO approved and has a local Aussie support team. I can run my payroll from my phone or from my desktop. I like its flexibility and the bottom line, it’s not expensive, I can set up for as little as $8.80 per month after an initial 30-day Free trial.

If you want to find out more visit Easy Payslip at or visit your Android or iOS app stores.

Written and prepared by Shane Murray, Small Business Owner