PRESS RELEASE: $700 QUINTILLION REASONS TO DEMOCRATISE SPACE! ASTEROID AUSTRALIA announces it has completed the task of cataloguing 914,163 Asteroids on the Hyperledger Blockchain.

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ASTEROID AUSTRALIA announces it has completed the task of cataloguing 914,163 Asteroids on the Hyperledger Blockchain.

Perth, WA AUSTRALIA December 2019 – ASTEROID AUSTRALIA PTY LTD. (“ASTEROID”), announce the completion of its first phase of the development of a blockchain Hyperledger, cataloguing 914,163 known asteroids from NASA, JPL and ESA. For the last two years, Asteroid has quietly been developing a new data-rich ecosystem making it possible for everyone to register their claim to asteroids and their untold wealth.

ASTEROID today announced that they codified over 914,163 asteroids, identified on a Hyperledger blockchain, worth some $700 Quintillion dollars, allowing people to register their “claim” to space on an immutable blockchain ledger.

The BlockClaim™ proprietary ecosystem was designed to allow space to be democratised for humankind. Of course, this is, as the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 specifically requires. Simply, no sovereignty, no nation-state, nor any empire may claim space for themselves, but rather space will be for all humankind.

“Mr Walsh, founder and now a retired grandfather, was a computer designer and manufacturer developing the world’s largest multi-media project in the 1990s for EDS, considered one of the largest data processing companies in the world. He first dreamed of the Asteroid idea in 1997, where we would all share in the vast wealth that space will afford humankind”, said Mr Bodnar, the CEO.

Mr Bodnar went on to say, “Mr Walsh knew that a massive registry would have to be designed to hold hundreds of billions of claims in an open-source, transparent and fully accessible way”.

In a collaborative effort, using both the power of a new currency of space, ASTRcoin™ and the Hyperledger blockchain, a new ecosystem, called a BlockClaim™, was designed and modelled after claiming a domain on the internet.

“Registering a BlockClaim™ will allow each and everyone, who desires to participate in the next and final frontier, to “claim” their right to space,” Mr Bodnar said. “It is a remarkable achievement with multiple trillions of data points resolved and contemplated”.

This achievement underscores ASTEROID’s key role ensuring that Space will be democratised. This significant milestone will be marked by over 68 billion BlockClaims™ available to the general public in the first quarter of 2020.

“The A-TEAM has been awaiting the emergence of a solid platform in the blockchain space. The Hyperledger, backed with both, The Linux Foundation, and sophisticated cloud services worldwide, ensures the new BlockClaim™ ecosystem will allow for a dependable user experience”, said Mr Joseph Walsh, Jr., the COO of ASTEROID.

Mr Joseph Walsh Jr. continued, “the Hyperledger blockchain will retain many hundreds of millions of BlockClaim™ registrants”.

The Asteroid Society will be the exclusive representative of the BlockClaim™ ecosystem. “The Asteroid Society will open in Singapore in the first qtr. of 2020. The BlockClaim™ Alpha claiming portal will begin in early 2020 as well.”, Mr Walsh, Jr. went on to say.
ASTEROID is located in Perth Australia, the mining capital of the world. Many years of research and development has gone into the deployment of the BlockClaim™ ecosystem.

Historically, humankind has ONLY dealt with resources under the control of sovereignty, empire or nation-state. Asteroid needed to design a new ecosystem based on how claims were made throughout the centuries. They modelled their system after the Internet using the new cryptographic smart contracts in a blockchain. This is a breakthrough technology.
ASTEROID believes that the ability to register a claim to space will benefit all humankind in the foreseeable future.
There is a direct benefit to humankind as we are propelled to what we call a post-scarcity society, where the abundance of resources, contained on Asteroid, will enable virtually limitless development. Asteroid mining is seen as a potential solution for resource depletion on Earth. It is also seen as a way to ensure the environment is protected, as the over 3.9 Billion underserviced people on this planet come into the twenty-first century.

“The Blockclaim™ ecosystem will allow anyone the ability to claim the vast wealth contained in space. Our goal is to enhance the lives of millions upon millions of people worldwide. Everyone needs to be allowed to partake in the abundance that is set before us. What the internet did for the flow of information and education, in the Information Age; the ability to register and receive the benefit from a BlockClaim™, will help us all come into the Value Age. It could be an age where every person will be allowed to develop their individual potential and receive a significant share of the final frontier. It will be as simple as making a claim. Frankly, if you don’t, someone surely will.”, Mr Bodnar summarised.

To learn more …

ASTEROID is a space technology company using innovative blockchain protocols to deploy the BlockClaim™ ecosystem. The company’s mission is to provide a distributed ledger registration technology and make it available to all humankind. What the internet has done for the Information Age, BlockClaims™ will do in the Space Age. To learn more about the BlockClaim™ ecosystem in this new trillion-dollar market of Asteroid Mining, and ASTRcoin™, visit its websites at:

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