PRESS RELEASE: Adani coal mine needs pre-election Green Light

Statement by Greg Evans, Chief Executive

Adani coal mine needs pre-election green light.

The Coal Council of Australia urges the Commonwealth and Queensland governments to clear all outstanding regulatory hurdles to allow the Carmichael project to proceed.

It is clear to all fair-minded Australians the project has received significant environmental scrutiny, and the company has met and exceeded all areas of concern.

Central and northern Queensland needs the jobs, and enhanced economic activity that the new coal mine will bring and all outstanding approval processes need to be urgently finalised.

The Carmichael mine approval process has been unnecessarily protracted and has damaged Australia’s standing as a place for mining investment.

This week’s budget is a stark reminder of the need to foster mining investment so as to secure public finances through the significant industry contributions made by company tax and royalties.

If we are to provide tax relief to all Australians, underpin social services and deliver future surpluses, we must foster our key industry sectors and allow valuable projects such as new coal mines to develop.

The 2019-20 budget estimated company tax receipts will be $8 billion higher than expected over the next four-year period due to the contribution of mining. The coal industry which is Australia’s largest export will comprise a large share of this increase.

Contact: Greg Evans 0407204559

5 April, 2019