Date: September 9, 2019
Location: Gold Coast, Australia


Australian speaker, coach and mentor, Scott Harris was identified as one of Tony Robbins’ 8 Favourite Inspirational Speakers. Scott was named alongside other worldclass inspirational speakers Brené Brown, Malala Yousafzai, Seth Godin, Joseph McClendon III, Siri Lindley, Mark Divine and Cloe Madanes.

Scott wasn’t always on Tony Robbins list of favourite inspirational speakers…

In fact, he was a boy from Frankston, VIC who grew up having 3 different dad’s before he was 10. He went to 8 different schools by the age of 11. He moved out of home at 15 and was so bad at school that he was asked to leave at the age of 16. He got a job working nights at a grocery store and days in a bottle shop. He hated it, so negotiated his way back into high school, working nights to support himself. He managed to barely pass and tried to take the traditional path of University, but after starting 3 different degrees at 3 different universities he realised it wasn’t for him.

He then jumped from job to job, chance to chance, for the next 10 years with no real plan except to “work hard and make money.”

The plan to work hard and make money paid off, but he realised that he was working 80+ hours a week, doing something he didn’t love and was living on coffee, adrenaline and stress. He kept thinking there HAS to be a better way…

About the same time Scott’s Mum attended the first ever Tony Robbins event in Australia. Scott decided to go after her, not to increase his business, or learn new skills and tools, or to become more enlightened. He went to his first personal development event with the sole goal of ‘saving his mum from the cult that she had joined!’

Little did he know what would happen…

That one chance event led to Scott attending a dozen different events around the world and realising that if he wanted to change his life he only needed to change one thing, himself.

Scott took the plunge and made the change. He got out of the business he was in and became an Elite Ironman representing Australia after just one year of training.

He also decided that he was going to dedicate his life to helping others transform their lives, the way he did.

He then learnt everything he could about personal development. He read every book; attended every seminar and training course (and none of it was online – this was cassettes and books and going to live events). He volunteered at every Tony Robbins event he could, he trained with Tony as a Life Coach, you name it, he did it and he was happy.

Until one day he was volunteering at a Tony Robbins event and a speaker called in sick. Tony’s team looked at him and said “Scott, you’re up!”

He was confused and terrified, but decided that this was his chance to put everything he had learned into practice. He took the chance to transform the lives of all of the people in the room at once and share how a kid from Frankston could create his dream life and how they could do it too.

Fortunately it went quite well and that one crazy moment changed the direction of his life. He started leading and speaking at events for Tony Robbins and speaking at other events with audiences as large as 12,000, in more than 15 countries around the world. He has shared the stage with other great leaders including Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, Deepak Chopra, Robert Kiyosaki, Lisa Messenger, Donald Trump, Sir Richard Branson, Naomi Simson, Nick Vujicic, Michelle Bridges and Lord Alan Sugar.

Tony said it best when he said “..known as the ‘Millionaire Mentor,’ Scott Harris is a renowned inspirational speaker who hails from Australia. He speaks on topics such as creating massive shifts in people, instigating change and improving health and wellness. A former elite ironman with a wide range of experience and interests, Scott has been an audience favorite every time he’s appeared with Tony.” Tony also clarifies; “Not to be confused with motivational speakers who make their living by talking to audiences, inspirational speakers are those who have learned life lessons through their careers or unique circumstances and want to pass that information on to others.”

Today, Scott is a passionate speaker, mentor and coach. He dedicates his life to helping others make massive shifts in their lives whether that be wealth, health, business, relationships or other areas of their lives. Scott is regularly referred to as the “Ultimate Coach” as a result of the massive changes people experience working with him or one of his personally trained Ultimate Coach Professionals.

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The full article published by Tony Robbins can be viewed at:

If you would like more information about this topic or to request an interview with Scott please contact:
Name: Leah McBurney
Phone: +61 7 5572 8296
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @scottharrisfan

About Scott
For more than 20 years Scott Harris has been coaching, mentoring and speaking to individuals, businesses and large audiences to help them create great success; financially, physically and emotionally.

Scott has dedicated his entire adult life to growth, change, and inspiration. Having worked with many of the World’s most influential forces such as Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, Deepak Chopra, Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, Sir Richard Branson, Nick Vujicic, Lord Alan Sugar and more, He has spoken to audiences as large as 12,000 and in more than 15 countries around the world.

Delivering profound powerful coaching and mentoring programs around the world, Scott has reached out to thousands of individuals to create life-changing positive influences. Having taught wealth psychology and strategy seminars, health cleanses and retreats and led intense business development programs; Scott’s range of content and expertise is both wide and deep. He is deeply committed to coaching as a powerful tool for creating lasting results and causing massive shifts in people. Scott is uniquely qualified to be the Ultimate Coach and creator of the world’s best coaches, with the goal to make coaching accessible to everyone.

Scott is a former elite Ironman Triathlete, has studied Law, Psychology, Economics and Politics at University, has spent 20 years teaching and speaking around the world, has owned and operated multiple successful businesses across a range of industries and is a lifelong personal development student. His greatest love is his wife Corina, and being a father to their four children Wisdom, Grace, Faith and Justice.