PRESS RELEASE: Balancing of Life counsellors have joined forces to provide a brand new online counselling service.

For immediate release:

Filling the gap, a brand new online counselling service servicing national and international clients including rural and remote locations.
– as we are one community.
Launceston Tasmania, 25th October 2019, Jane Oakley-Lohm a counsellor and clinical supervisor announces today that national counsellors have united to provide a 7 day a week including after hours online counselling service reaching all of Australia including rural and remote via phone or Skype.
Do you know the crisis of mental heath across the world including Australia?
• Every 40 seconds, someone loses their life to suicide world wide
• In 2018, preliminary data showed an average of 8.3 deaths by suicide in Australia each day
• Over 65,000 Australians make a suicide attempt
• Suicide is the leading cause of death for Australians between 15 and 44 years of age
• Young Australians are more likely to take their own life than die in motor vehicle accidents
• In 2017, about 75% of people who died by suicide were males and 25% were females
• In 2017, the suicide rate among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people was approximately twice that of non – Indigenous Australians

A major new report has raised fears that Australia’s healthcare is not adapting to technological change quickly enough, and could soon fail to meet population needs.
The biggest problem lies in sustainably delivering high-quality, accessible care to the people who need it at the right time, in the right place and with the right intervention, according to KPMG Health, Ageing and Human Services Partner Evan Rawstron and Policy, Programs and Evaluations Partner Steven Casey.“will-fail”-if-pace-change-not-met-kpmg

With the above research being in place, Balancing of Life counsellors have joined forces to provide a brand new online counselling service, available 7 days a week including out of hours, this service reaches internationally and nationally including rural and remote locations with several counsellors speaking a 2nd language.
You don’t need a referral and there is no wait time, we have more male and female counsellors coming on board this month.
The counselling service is for individuals, organisations that provide counselling for their clients and EAP Employee Assist Programs.
Don’t wait until your mental health has taken control of you, call now and chat to an online counsellor via phone or Skype, from your home, car or office. All counsellors are Australian accredited, insured, and are members of a counselling association meaning that they adhere to ongoing training and supervision.
Costs: $60-$80 an hour session
Don’t you or your loved one become a statistic

Media person:
Jane Oakley-Lohm
Balancing of Life Counsellors

+61 438681390
[email protected]