PRESS RELEASE: Darwin opens doors to new services for people with mental disorders and psychiatric disabilities

As part of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, leading not-for-profit organisation, ermha, will officially open its doors in Darwin in April, offering services to the Territory’s most challenging and complex clients with severe mental illness. ermha has a long history providing community support services to people living with mental disorders and psychiatric disabilities. The organisation will be one of the first of its kind in the Territory, offering tailored services to those suffering severe mental crisis, including those at higher risk of incarceration due to their social circumstances and lack of proper and personalised care.

Community Leaders will join the ermha Board to launch ermha services and programs from the Old Fannie Bay Gaol at 9am on Thursday 4th April 2019.

People with mental disorders and psychiatric disabilities are over represented in prisons across Australia. They are at multiple disadvantage due to the nature and severity of their mental illness, disability status, persistent criminal offending behaviours, trauma background, and social isolation — in addition to inadequate access to proper treatment. People in these groups are more likely to use alcohol and drugs, and be homeless, marginally housed or living for lengthy periods in hospital wards because there is nowhere else for them to go.
• People with disabilities, particularly a cognitive or psychosocial disability, represent 18% of the country’s population, but almost 50% of people entering prison. (human rights watch 2018)
• Rates of the major mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and depression, are between three and five times higher in offender populations than those expected in the general community. (Australian institute of criminology)
• Up to 8% of males and 14% of females in Australian prisons have a major mental disorder with psychotic features. (Australian institute of criminology)

“ermha is passionate about breaking this cycle and our work shines a spotlight on this challenge,” CEO Karenza Louis-Smith said. “Don’t build more prisons, they cost too much! Instead we work in partnership with Government agencies and the community to build meaningful lives for people who would otherwise find themselves in prison or hospital because there is nowhere else to go. We create new opportunities and environments so people have the opportunity to thrive”.

For further information:
Media / news / interviews
Rachel Greetham
0408 274 972