This is one of the questions that patients of Dr Israel ‘Izzy’ Lewis are asked to consider before they embark down the path of chiropractic treatment, when they step inside his new state-of-the-art space in the heart of Chippendale.

“Health can be simple–with the investment of time, energy and experience.” says Dr Izzy.

“Health goes beyond the absence of pain. But for most people, pain is the cue they wait for before considering the options available to improve their health. Chiropractic focuses on optimising your nervous system to achieve efficient and effective communication between your brain and body, via your spine.”

BRAIN TO BODY®–Chippendale’s most exciting new addition–adopts a tailored, holistic approach to improving health by guiding and empowering its clients, so they better understand and become more connected to their bodies.

“No two individuals are the same,” says Dr Izzy. “Your movement patterns and performance needs are unique to you. Our approach to care and attention to detail sets us apart.

“We’re different.”

1300 940 100


BRAIN TO BODY® is Dr Izzy’s answer to a growing problem he has observed in the healthcare profession, with more and more alternative medicines, “expert” opinions and spurious advice shared on social media leading to a confusing amount of white noise for people who need help getting their bodies back on track.

In the age of fake news, social media and the miscommunication that surrounds it, there’s never been a more important time for health professionals to make their jobs clearer and more simple. At BRAIN TO BODY®, it’s all about guiding clients and assisting them in taking charge of their own health journey.

BRAIN TO BODY® is the combination of the philosophy, science and art that is chiropractic. It’s a space for those who prioritise and invest in their own health, to create their own masterpiece in life.

Housed in Chippendale’s award-winning Central Park complex, BRAIN TO BODY® is a space like no other. Taking cues from Japanese and Scandinavian design principles, the open room, designed by Dr Izzy and Melbourne-based architect, Elizabeth Campbell, is an homage to Dr Izzy’s philosophy towards healthcare, featuring custom-made tables, textures designed to invoke a calming atmosphere, and room scents by Aesop to enliven the space.

“WATCH THIS SPACE” highlights that even though chiropractic may be considered by some as only a treatment modality, it is, in itself, an art. It complements you, as the work of art.

“WATCH THIS SPACE” will bring the conversation about what we do in chiropractic to the forefront of our clients’ minds. By educating and empowering its clients, BRAIN TO BODY® builds momentum towards shifting the paradigm of healthcare to a PROACTIVE, rather than REACTIVE model.

“BRAIN TO BODY® is an opportunity for clients to take back control of their bodies and enjoy the lifestyle that goes hand-in-hand with great spinal health and the improved neurological function that chiropractic treatment offers…”

Dr Izzy is available for interview requests, please send any enquiries to [email protected], or phone 1300 940 100.


BRAIN TO BODY® was founded by Dr Izzy to address a problem in modern day life. To simplify health down to a tailored approach, BRAIN TO BODY® helps guide clients so that they can make sustainable, life-long changes.

BRAIN TO BODY®, from a philosophical standpoint, touches on and highlights different contemporary art movements and delivery standpoints. As is, that we are the art and our art can be anywhere and at anytime. BRAIN TO BODY® helps us fully express our own beautiful and magnificent art pieces.

“Kaizen” is the Japanese approach to making continuous improvement and is based on the idea that small, ongoing positive changes can reap major improvements. BRAIN TO BODY® is not a one-stop shop for all things health related. In fact, they focus on chiropractic at its essence and are continually fine tuning their art so that clients understand they will receive world-class chiropractic care.

But in addition, is creating a larger referral network of trusted health professionals to help serve best in a patient-centred inclusive manner for the areas that they do not focus on or manage from a professional standpoint.