PRESS RELEASE: Heart Support Australia challenges Australians to Make a Habit of their Heart Health with 28 Day Challenge

Heart disease affects one in six (4.2 million) Australians and is the leading cause of death for both men and women.

The Healthy Heart Habits Challenge has been structured around HS-A Patron, Dr Ross Walker’s, five pillars for a healthy heart. The pillars include being addiction free, getting enough sleep, a healthy diet, regular exercise and making time for your mental health.

HS-A is encouraging participants to share their journey through the challenge by sharing their progress on social media and at

Judy Ford – CEO of Heart Support Australia says “the statistics around heart disease is shocking – we shouldn’t be losing so many Australians to heart disease. The fact is, 4.2 million Australians live with heart disease and, of those Australians, 50% are at risk of suffering a secondary heart event which is where HS-A comes in by providing peer support to those at risk…. The statistics are scary but there are so many day-to-day habits we can all be doing to put all Australians in a better place when it comes to combatting heart disease. We are hoping this campaign will help people make a habit of their heart health”.

All funds raised will go towards supporting the 4.2 million Australians who have suffered a heart event.
“We want to make people aware of how to look after their hearts and how important that care is…before or after a heart event, these five steps will make a huge difference in all of our hearts…we just need to get people motivated!” Judy Ford said.

For more details visit or contact Heart Support – Australia‘s National Office in Canberra. (02) 6253 0097 or [email protected]

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