PRESS RELEASE: ICP becomes ResolveXO in preparation for growth

Embargoed Release: March 8,2019

Six years after being founded as an unbiased and independent corporate property advisory business, ICP is changing its corporate name to ResolveXO to position itself for further growth.

Founder and CEO, Stuart Allison, sees the rebranding as a signal to the market that a wholly Australian owned and operated firm is now in a position to take on the multinationals and become the standard by which they are measured.

“We see a need for our industry to lift its standards of professionalism and offer Australian clients a more exacting and strategically minded service. Changing our name to ResolveXO is the first of many steps we will be undertaking to provide those higher standards and become the benchmark for our industry”, said Mr. Allison.

The company has registered the brand as a trademark in both Australia and Europe with a US trademark pending. In addition to the new brand, the company has made substantial investments in improving processes and systems to make itself more adaptable and responsive to client needs.

The name change reflects the company’s strategic approach to resolving commercial and industrial property issues for its corporate clients, and its desire to do so while protecting the business relationships of both business occupiers and landlords.

ResolveXO Principal and industry veteran, Peter Messenger says, “A key to our success has always been our ability to recognise that the best outcome is a win/win. We focus on understanding the drivers of both business occupiers and landlords – that’s why we are able to resolve corporate property issues so effectively.”

The new name, ResolveXO, is effective immediately and will be implemented across the company’s services throughout the coming months.

About ResolveXO

ResolveXO exclusively represents business occupiers of commercial and industrial premises to strategically plan, negotiate and secure the best achievable property outcome. With offices in Melbourne and Sydney, we are Australasia’s leading corporate property strategists and the tactical advantage our clients need to secure a corporate property on the best terms available.

Stuart Allison, CEO
[email protected]
M +61 411 506 762
P +61 3 9021 7500