PRESS RELEASE: Innovative mobile app launched by TracknWatch to enable live video streaming and location tracking with a mobile phone

TracknWatch is looking to help people and companies keep track of happenings wherever they are with the launch of a free Live Streaming – Live Tracking app, designed to allow users to live stream directly from their smart devices and subsequently share the video with anyone across the globe with the app automatically uploading their live stream video to a dedicated website within seconds.

GPS Tracking and Live Streaming are technologies that have been deployed in different fields particularly for emergency situations. It has become even more imperative to use such technologies in other aspects and while several technology-driven solutions providers have developed a wide range of products and services, many of the available solutions have not been able to meet the needs of users. This is where TracknWatch is looking to make a huge difference with the launch of the mobile app.

The phone app is designed to allow registered users to live stream videos with their mobile phones to a web based map whilst their position is being displayed second by second. The live streams are automatically recorded, while also allowing the users to upload their live stream to the website within seconds so it can be viewed by anyone across the world. Media Stations can also be authorised to download the uploaded videos with the click of a couple of buttons.

TracknWatch is primarily designed for emergency services, allowing the control room to see the responder on the map moving towards the incident whist a live video of the situation is being streamed and recorded.

The web and phone app service can be used by different companies and professionals from all walks of life including freelance journalists, bloggers, advertisers, and a host of others, putting more life and realness into their works, particularly allowing millions of people worldwide to see terrorist incidents and other such events across the globe.

The free app is already being tested with the Tornado chasers across the USA and has been yielding great results, with viewers watching them chase the tornado on the web based map whist they are sending live video.

Some of the various applications of TracknWatch include Live Streaming, Live Tracking, and Live Streaming Security.

The Tracknwatch Live Streaming and Tracking system is also available as a stand alone and totally secure system for corporations or government agencies and interested bodies can contact TracknWatch for further information.

More information about TracknWatch and the uniqueness of the app as well its diverse uses can be found on the website. TracknWatch is also available across several social media platforms including Twitter and Facebook.

Media Contact
Company Name: Tracknwatch
Contact Person: Adrian Francis
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0417189341
Country: Australia