PRESS RELEASE: International Flight crews applauded for adhering to Covid-19 restrictions

With 14 hr flight times to the Australia’s East coast and then up to 24 hrs in hotel isolation, Internationals flight crews are to be applauded for adhering to strict self isolation requirements.

As part of their ongoing proactive Covid 19 monitoring operations, the Tracknwatch Rapid Observations Group last weekend targeted incoming international flight crews to proactively monitor their adherence to the strict isolation requirements for international travellers set by the Australian government.

Whilst no International passenger flights are entering Australia, flight crews are being flown in daily on empty planes to transfer to outbound flights taking passengers back overseas.

Tracknwatch Director Adrian Francis said “ We decided to monitor flight crews due to the fact that they spent sometimes up to 15 hrs on a flight, then an hour on a coach to a hotel and then up to 24 hrs isolated in a hotel room before travelling back the next day and repeating the same journey. If ever there was a temptation to get out and get some fresh air, this would have been one of them”

Tracknwatch investigators discreetly monitored various flight crews from their arrival at the airports until their departure and were overly impressed by the strict adherence to the requirements by the crews with strict hygiene standards being met at every point.

Mr Francis said “ These flight crews had every chance to flaunt the restrictions with no visible security at any of the hotels and they were free to come and go yet conducted themselves in a truly professional manner without once stepping outside the building. Its a pity that some other industries could not learn from them”

The only concern from the Tracknwatch investigators was the poor hygiene standards being displayed by almost all the observed food delivery drivers going back and forth to the hotel and some of the private transportation buses did not appear to be sanitised in between the change of flight crews ”