PRESS RELEASE: It’s time for Aussies to get off their backside, in particular the toilet

A British study of 2,004 adults found that on average they spent time spent twice as long on the toilet per week as they did exercising; 3 hours and 9 minutes, as opposed to just 1 hour and 30 minutes(1) spent doing moderate exercise such as fast walking or riding a bike1.
“We know that some things can’t be helped, like a visit to the bathroom, but this study really shows us how little time we are spend exercising,” says Barrie Elvish, CEO of Fitness Australia who is working to make ours a more physically active nation.
“Currently 65% of Australian adults do not meet the physical activity guidelines, and 10% of those are inactive (2).”
According to the recent AusPlay report, the main reason that people have stated as being a barrier to participating in sport is not having enough time, or having too many other commitments (32.5%) (3).
“Perhaps it’s time to spend less time sitting down on the job” observes Barrie.
“And if you’re one of those people who takes their phone to the bathroom, then you probably have even more time to be physically active,” adds Barrie.
Recommendations include having Australian adults to find 30 minutes of heartrate-raising activity every day and children to find 60 minutes a day.
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