PRESS RELEASE: Launch of resources to support new Charter of Aged Care Rights implementation
Date: June 18 2019
Launch of resources to support new Charter of Aged Care Rights implementation
In contuing to support reform in the aged care sector, including In the leadup to the new Aged Care Quality Standards taking force from 1 July, Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) has developed a series of resources to explain the new Charter of Aged Care Rights.
The new Charter of Aged Care Rights, also taking effect from 1 July 2019, describes how the older person is placed at the centre of care, and significantly requires the aged care provider to sign that they have explained the Charter and the 14 rights to the person receiving aged care services.
To support the rollout of the new Charter of Aged care Rights OPAN has developed a series of resources to support older people, their families and the aged care workforce to understand and unpack the Charter in a way that is understanble and digestable. These materials include explainer videos, fact sheets and brochures, all which explain aged care stakeholders’ rights and responsibilities under the new Charter.
“Rights are so important, its probably only when have they have impinged do you focus on them,” Craig Gear, OPAN CEO, said.
“That’s why these resources and the Charter are so important – they’re opportunities to bring rights to the front and centre and ensure that older people know what rights they have in aged care.”
The new Charter is easy to understand and places the older person at the centre of care.
“From 1 July, the aged care sector will have to abide by these standards, and it’s great to see that many have already started stepping up and supporting the Charter’s implementation and OPAN’s activities around it,” Mr Gear said.
“This Charter is the shield and protection for older people receiveing care, and forms part of the Government’s commitment to continuing quality improvement. This is essential, especially in the era of the Royal Commission.”
OPAN has recently embarked on a country-wide tour of events. These invite aged care consumers, their families and carers to join an expert panel discussion which will step them through how the Charter will affect them and emphasise their rights under it.
Amongst other locations, the Melbourne and Sydney sessions have been well-attended and received. For a full list of locations and dates, visit:
OPAN has also hosted a series of educational webinars for both consumers and providers to explain the new Charter. These can be viewed here: The delightful explainer videos for older people and the aged care providers can be accessed at:
More details regarding Older Persons Advocacy Network, a leader in providing aged care advocacy support and elder abuse prevention, can be found at
For media information contact:
Craig Gear, Chief Executive Officer, Older Persons Advocacy Network on (02) 8217 0211 or 0410 695 659