PRESS RELEASE: Morrison Government a boost for coal sector

Morrison Government a boost for coal sector

Statement by Greg Evans, Chief Executive Coal Council of Australia

The re-election of the Morrison government is welcomed by the Australian coal industry.

The government has been a consistent supporter of the sector and has recognised its valuable economic contribution as a major employer, the provider of tax revenue and royalties and at $66 billion our largest export earner.

While elections are about an array of issues, it is important to note in coal-related electorates in both NSW and Queensland, Labor members and candidates recorded strong swings against them. In the two heartland coal seats of both states those swings were over 13%.

Anti-coal policies concerning Adani, the suggestion of ‘transitioning’ of coal workers elsewhere and resisting coal-fired power generation have damaged the Labor Party, and as they reset their policy platform, they need to reverse their anti-coal positions.

Suggestions that coal workers are second class citizens has rightly been viewed as insulting.

By contrast Resources Minister Matt Canavan has been an active and very effective supporter of the coal sector and his advocacy has engendered trust throughout the coal regions.

In the immediate period ahead, the Queensland Labor government must now cease its reckless obstruction and let the Adani coal development proceed as Australians have indicated at the ballot box.

Secondly, strong coal demand over the next decade dictates that cumbersome and lengthy processes should not unnecessarily delay approvals for new coal mine developments and expansions. This can be achieved without compromising already stringent environmental regulations.

Finally, as the new federal government considers opportunities to lower electricity costs, it should encourage proposals for new build HELE coal plants which offer the cheapest and cleanest energy for Australian households and businesses.

The Coal Council of Australia will work closely with the government to achieve these objectives.

Contact: Greg Evans 0407 204 559 20 May 2019

Editor’s note: The Coal Council of Australia (CCA) has been formed to advocate for and support the coal industry at the national level.