• A group of respected and senior medical practitioners and specialists call for Andrews government to end extreme lockdowns on September 13, 2020, and ask for the opportunity to assist in restriction relaxation planning;
• PCS and its members fully support the content, facts and logic of this Open Letter to the Premier, attached to this media release, and PCS also offers its services to contribute;
• The impact of state 3 & 4 lockdown restrictions are having a devastating effect on the physical and mental health of the majority of the Victorian population;
• World Health Organisation (WHO) no longer recommend harsh lockdowns once adequate intensive care units are established, completed in Victorian in May 2020;
• 98% of the Victorian population is not at serious risk from Covid-19. The government and health officials must focus on the effective, specific protection of the aged, and those few Victorians with compromised immune systems;
• Government must cease restricting the 6.23 million Victorians where the chance of dying of Covid-19 is extremely remote, and must cease inciting unsubstantiated fear.

The Andrews Government and its health advisors continue to grossly over-react to the Covid-19 disease, where deaths related to seasonal influenza historically exceed Covid-19 related deaths by a factor of 8. Even natural deaths for the same period were significantly higher last year. However, suicides are now much higher. All Covid-19 deaths to date in Victoria have been associated with serious, well-understood co-morbidities, largely impacting those over 70 years of age. Each of these high-risk groups can be seamlessly identified and protected, thereby releasing the vast majority of Victorians to return to a more normal life, that includes sensible hygiene and distancing restrictions.

Every recent death of aged Victorians is directly related to the Andrews Government’s failure to effectively isolate infected return travellers in designated quarantine hotels. This failure was compounded by gross under-staffing and poor training of the contact tracing personnel. These two factors are the cause of infection spread throughout aged care facilities, not the behaviour of the general Victorian population.

PCS contends that given the facts, including the continued illogical oppression of the entire Victorian population without any supporting evidence, the willing destruction of large numbers of small and medium businesses contrary to the current knowledge of this disease, the shift of thousands into dependence on social welfare and the actual cause of this current “second-wave” outbreak, can only be explained at this point by an undisclosed political agenda, not valid concern for Victorian public health or general welfare.

Chris Hart D.C. (USA) FGCS Jackie Malady
PCS President PCS Secretary