PRESS RELEASE: Prenatal Yoga – move with purpose

Pregnancy is a time for women to slow down. The body is working its hardest during this period to create new life. This is a time to let go of the ego and allow the body to soften and become more open.

At Sydney Yoga Collective, we take things slow. We move with purpose. We meet students where they are at so that we can best modify poses to ensure the student stays safe.

In our dedicated prenatal yoga classes, we provide students with a well rounded approach to their practise. We incorporate breathing exercises that can be used in labour as well as providing alternatives for biomechanics changes that occur within the body.

Prenatal specialist, founder of the Sydney Yoga Collective, and mother of four, Casey, said: “I practised yoga throughout all of my pregnancies and found that being physically and mentally open really prepared me for each birth. The breathing techniques also work really well to take the edge off.”

Some useful poses to practise during pregnancy are: 
Cat/Cow Pose – stretches and strengthens the spine, neck, hips, shoulders and back. These poses will soften the pelvis if used during contractions.

All classes at Sydney Yoga Collective are suitable for pregnant women. Our teachers are qualified to provide each student with prenatal modifications to ensure your safety.
Listen to your body, and remember to go slow.

Prenatal classes are weekly on a Tuesday 11-12pm. Prenatal workshop Saturday 7th March 2020 1-4pm.