PRESS RELEASE: Scammers vs Hackers!! Cybercrime Forensics: I’m a Romance Scam IT Detective – A True story

Scammers vs Hackers! Who will win? Who will lose?

In usual romance scam stories, naive people encountered liars who scammed away their life saving, leaving them broke and heart-broken.
In this unusual true story, when top-tier financial IT consultant Selina Co found herself victimized in an Internet romance scam, she was dedicated to tracking down the criminal by picking up new IT skills. Her story exposed worldwide criminal operations involving multiple countries, as well as misconduct of certain banks.
Watch the drama of Selina, who turned back to scam the scammer and capture his IP addresses and illegitimate bank accounts. Join her adventurous story of meeting with legal hackers, police, lawyers, and watch how she eventually established a Romance scam IT Detective company to protect the public.
Instead of being heart-broken, Selina found back the love of her life as a result of the crime …

Best chapters of the book:
My favourite chapter: “How to Scam a Scammer?”
Most mysterious chapter: “Hacker’s Meeting”
Advanced scammer tricks: First 4 chapters
Stupidity of scammers: “Daily Life”
Most IT chapters: “The Real Frederick”; “IT Detective”
Legal understanding chapters: “Lawyers”; “Ending”
Practical Information: Appendix 1 – Interesting facts about romance scams

More about the book:
Romance Scam IT Detective company:
Book Trailer: