PRESS RELEASE: Sydney cancer charity fights for survival

A Sydney-based cancer charity, the Cancer Information & Support Society, formed in 1981, is fighting for its survival following an attempt to take it over last month.

The Committee elected at is last Annual General Meeting has called a special meeting of its members to be held this afternoon at Chatswood to elect a new Committee to replace the person who has taken control of the charity.

That person is trying to stop the meeting being held by notifying the charity’s members that the meeting has been cancelled.

At stake is the charity’s funds worth over half a million dollars and a research project that is developing an alternative cancer paradigm that is likely to question the current approach to cancer treatment used throughout the world.

The charity claims to use evidence-based research and has already published five papers in peer-reviewed journals presenting evidence that current cancer treatments are not working because they are based on an unproven theory of what cancer is.

The Research Director, Don Benjamin, who founded the charity 37 years ago, has been told to give back his research from the past 37 years so it cannot be used by him. The Research Project Manager has been told her contract ends at the end of March and is not being renewed.

Don Benjamin presented preliminary results of his research at a preventing Overdiagnosis Conference in Barcelona in 2016. He mentioned at that conference that the United States National Cancer Institute had set up research centres at 12 US universities to find out why so little progress had been made in the last 45 years since President Nixon launched the “War on Cancer”. Little has come from this effort. He claimed that it was because most research is based on an unproven theory about what cancer is.

The research team had plans to present further evidence they have discovered at the Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference in Sydney later this year but this has been stopped by the take-over.

The Extraordinary General Meeting of the charity’s members is to be held today at the Dougherty Community Centre at 7 Victor St, Chatswood at 2.00pm.

Contact Don Benjamin on 0416 121 140