PRESS RELEASE: Tax churches, end Dorothy Dix questions in Parliament – reforms needed say Australian Workers Party.

The Australian Workers Party (AWP) has released it list of reforms that AWP Senators will advocate if elected.

The party would push for the taxation of profits made by all religious organisations, a citizens led review of Parliamentary practices with a view to scrap “Dorothy Dix” questions, a review of all MPs entitlements so that they be more aligned with community standards and the establishment of a Federal ICAC, among other reforms.

Mark Ptolemy, AWP Senate candidate for NSW said the reforms would be in line with community standards & attitudes and are long over due.

“The operating procedures and rules of debate of our Parliament are antiquated and ridiculous. We have all seen Question Time; the yelling, jeering and general infantile behaviour is not fitting for a Parliament. The Westminster traditions of debate, like the horse and cart, have served their purpose but are now not suitable for a democracy in the 21st Century. The politicians need to act like grown-ups.

“We will challenge the political establishment by calling for a citizens run convention to decide how to modernise the workings of Parliament to make it more fitting for Australia in 2019. The decision will be in the hands of ordinary citizens, not MPs,” Ptolemy said.

AWP Senate candidate for Queensland, Greg Bradley is supporting the reform agenda, “The efficiency of the working of Parliament need to be looked at. The clownish behaviour of some MPs needs to be curtailed. Seeing Scott Morrison clutching a lump of coal on the floor of the House of Representatives was enough for me. That place needs some serious reforms.”

According to the AWP Senate candidate for Victoria, Narelle Everard, the call for taxation reform to compel religious organisations to pay tax on the profits of their commercial activities is a move towards fairness and equity.

“Workers pay tax. Businesses pay tax. Any profits made by a religious organisation’s commercial activities or real estate holdings should also be liable to tax. It is fair and reasonable.

“There needs to be fairness applied across the area of taxation. Closing tax loopholes is vital and the tax exemption of religious organisations has no place in a secular society,” Ms. Everard said.

The AWP reform agenda can be viewed on their website

Media contacts:
Mark Ptolemy (NSW) 0414 993 873
Narelle Everard (VIC) 0448 747 858
Greg Bradley (QLD) 0418 709 119