PRESS RELEASE: Time out on 5G rollout amid health concerns.

Media Release:
May 13th 2019

Mark Ptolemy, Australian Workers Party Senate Candidate for NSW

AWP calls time out on 5G rollout amid health concerns.

The Australian Workers Party (AWP) has called for the rollout of the 5G telephone network to be halted until adequate studies can be done to verify the safety to community health.
Senate candidate for NSW, Mark Ptolemy said there are enough concerns about the use of high frequency microwave energy to call for greater scrutiny of the technology and for certainty to be given over widespread, international concerns over its potential risk to public health.
“There have been numerous reports and concerns across the world. Brussels has called for a halt on the installation of 5G due to health concerns and the US Congress have raised concerns as the technology involves high frequency microwave radiation emissions. There have been many experts in the field of health saying that public health overrides technological convenience and we agree.
“We are calling for a moratorium on the roll out, until full and thorough investigations can occur to verify it is not a public health hazard,” Mark Ptolemy said.
“Over 180 scientists and physicians around the world who have researched the biological and health effects of radio-frequency radiation have called for a moratorium on the use of 5G technology. This is not about better wi-fi or less ‘phone drop outs, it is about high doses of radiation that could pose a risk to people in public spaces; close to schools, shopping centres, parks. Our health is more important than our phone connectivity.”
The Australian Workers Party has agreed that every effort should be made by government authorities to ensure that the fast-tracked roll out does not jump ahead of basic health regulations and laws.
“We are not anti-technology, we are pro-healthy communities. I’m not an expert on this but I do know when over 180 experts say, ‘we need to stop and study the effects of this more’, I am going to listen to the voice of science and not giant Telco companies,” Ptolemy said.
Mark Ptolemy said it was reasonable and also necessary to halt the roll out until comprehensive tests are conducted to prove that it is entirely safe and poses no health risk
“No one wants community wide health problems to deal with as a result of high doses of accumulated radiation next to schools and public spaces. What we are saying is let’s slow down this fast-track commercial activity and reassess the health risks. Let’s be sensible about this.
Mark Ptolemy said he hoped all tiers of government supported greater scrutiny of the health affects of 5G technology and that an incoming Federal Labor government would seek clarification of whether it was safe or not.
“We owe it to ourselves and our families to minimise any risk. Humans are more important than technology. Our health is more important than our mobile phones”.

For further comment call Mark Ptolemy on 0414993873