PRESS RELEASE: URGENT CALL for Nation Building Project that CAN PAY OFF National COVID 19 DEBT, plus Western Australia, Northern Territory, South Australian and Queensland Debt
URGENT CALL for Nation Building Project that CAN PAY OFF National COVID 19 DEBT, plus Western Australia, Northern Territory, South Australian and Queensland Debt
Australian Federation Party Federal Chairman, Glenn O’Rourke is calling on the Federal, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland and South Australia Governments to commit to providing Government Bonds support in the combined amount of USD $240 million equivalent for 10 years.
The opportunity is a ‘shovel ready’ Project, that is fully funded, on the back of the Government Bonds support, is ultimately a $100 Billion+ investment into Australia’s financial, manufacturing and Jobs future.
The suggested mix of Government Bonds Support (USD equivalent) is:
Federal Government: $108m Northern Territory Government $24m
Western Australia Government $48m South Australian Government $12m
Queensland Government $48m Total $240m
Mr O’Rourke said “the need for the Federal and all the State Government’s, that directly benefit financially from the project, need to demonstrate united support and skin in the game to a suite of international and Australian Investors, that the Project has multi Government support as well as ensuring the Project has a ‘AAA’ financial Rating to guarantee the best investment security.”
“While all other political parties talk about the current and dire future economic challenges of their States, Territories and Australia, with limited solutions that may ultimately add to a growing future debt, the Australian Federation Party is calling on all Political Parties and all Australians to SUPPORT THE IRON BOOMERANG PROJECT NOW. This project is one of the most exciting infrastructure projects the nation has known since the Snowy Hydro and Sydney Harbour Bridge projects. These historic projects were commenced in depression and now is the time to commence this Economy saving Project” Mr O’Rourke said.
Australian Federation Party leadership nationally are so excited about this Globally Significant Project for Australia and all its people that single handily could pay off the entire Federal COVID 19 Debt in the next 10-15 years.
Mr O’Rourke went on to say, “action on significant and real projects like this is needed to turn around the financial woes of Australia”
Key Points for consideration:
Project Rail Construction Jobs: 75,000
Permanent Steel & Rail Maintenance Jobs: 35,000
Future jobs estimate Inc. new Mines in 10 yrs: 100,000+
Total Rail, Rolling Stock, steel and other investment: $100+ billion
Total forecast Governments economic benefit p/y $23+ Billion p/y (ex GST)
❑ NT LNG Ti-Tree NG Gas will provide PIB Investor Fuel Supply Security greatly improve our cost efficiencies and environment fuel use outcomes by + 40% on fuel cost saving and 50% lower CO2 outcomes.
❑ The NT will be the major beneficiary of many new resource mine developments from the PIB E/W HH Rail Service Corridor delivering NT Billions py in viable resources and Agro developments.
Additional PIB Broad Economic & Social Advantages for the Australia Economy and its People:
1. PIB’s Multi-Purpose User 42t axle WBP HH Rail Corridor – Offer immediate and future huge long-term Economic
2. PIB HH Rail Infrastructure Resource Development for existing, stranded and remote Mines, General Goods & Services, Fuels, Fertilisers etc., Livestock & Agricultural Produce trains to Markets, Remote Tourism & Passenger Trains (E-W “Central India Pacific” Ghan?).
3. Rail & Environmental Maintenance Jobs and Connections Services offer improved Communications for Remote Aboriginal Central Australian Communities in WA NT & Qld. (prepare and train up programs drafts in place). NT as a first HH Standard Rail Connections both E-W to both WA and to QLD and N-S to Adelaide and Darwin directly complements and strengthens Australia’s Defence logistics planning and infrastructures.
❑ Our First PIB CLC meeting on “How can we do permanent Business and become permanent regional neighbours” with the CLC was very positive and productive one, as evident in their email meeting response in calling PIB “a visionary project” and in developing the opportunity to connect with the remote eastern aboriginal NT & WA communities in particular!
❑ LNG/PIB New Fuel Supply Developments: Recent PIB HH Trains and LNG direct production supply developments and discussions have now firmed to produce LNG on the PIB rail corridor site at Ti-Tree NT for our PIB (world first) dedicated LNG Locomotives major supply 10-year renewable contracts proposed to be signed NT Power Water Corp. This will be a major future supply contract to anchor this development in comparison to diesel fuels; as applicable now it offers a 50% reduction on PIB operating fuel costs ex production plant on-site rates, plus a 50% fuel emission reduction. This could be a world first for HH Rail Continental Trains. As a bonus NT road transport operator may plan and convert to LNG fuels at this key facility to the great social and economic cost benefit of all Territorians.
❑The Rail is a Multi-Purpose/Services Rail & Corridor WBP heavy haul HH 42t axle Rail for lower freight rates and lower best practice social and environmental service impacts. It will vastly improve and anchor the development economies of Northern Australia and that of Australia as a Nation. Example – AgForce Central QLD 2014 stated that potential 500k live cattle could be exported on the PIB E-W Rail via Darwin at 50% of Road transport cost and arrive in better condition.
4. Nation Building Rail Infrastructure, Freight and Steel Services: Forecast Economic Growth Benefits indicating 5-7% of National GDP!
Links for additional supporting information
• Iron Boomerang Project website:
• Submission to Federal Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth – 4 August 2020:
• Global Farmer Article June 2020
• Saul Eslake speech to Federal Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth – 12 August 2020:
Note Saul Eslake Speech contains a speech error -$140m which is correct in the submission should read USD $240m on PIB Bankable Approval Study
• Saul Eslake BIO on his website:
Media contact: Glenn O’Rourke [email protected] / 0405 111 228