PRESS RELEASE: ‘Urging’ women to end their incontinence suffering, with a new lunchtime procedure – ‘Incontilase’

Australia’s first cosmetic super centre ‘Géniale’ in Sydney’s Drummoyne, is on a mission to eliminate female urinary incontinence (of which 37% of the Australian female population suffers from), with the immensely successful ‘Incontilase’ – a 30 minute, painless treatment, requiring 2-3 treatments over 4 week intervals. Designed for the treatment of mild and moderate stress and mixed urinary incontinence (SUI), it is a virtually painless procedure which administers precise and controlled laser induced thermals in the mucosa tissue in the region surrounding the urethra and front vaginal wall. As it uses a laser versus an incision, patients can immediately return to everyday activities without the need for analgesics or antibiotics, with a 50% improvement after the first treatment.
Géniale’s founder, Dr Mike Shenouda is thrilled with the results, seeing a growing demand for the cosmetic procedure from women of all ages – experiencing incontinence post baby, or older women with prolapses and the embarrassing problem of losing control and leakage.
‘Incontilase is a safe, quick and easy laser procedure to restore the confidence of women suffering from this silent epidemic. It works by tightening the urethral and anterior bladder wall region with photothermal tightening. Patients are experiencing dryness for the first time in years, and are able to enjoy a quality of life that they never thought they would ever regain’.

The loss of bladder control is a serious problem in Australia. According to a Deloitte study published In 2010, there are around 4.2 million Australians aged 15 years and over living with urinary incontinence. 80% of these are women. It is projected the number of people (aged 15 years and above) with urinary incontinence living in Australia will rise to 5.6 million in 2030.

Says Dr Mike ‘The results of incontinence studies are astounding – 70% of people with incontinence issues suffer in silence; not seeking medical advice about their issues, and avoiding social activities and any form of movement which may leave them in an embarrassing situation. Incontinence comes in many forms – leakage of urine from the bladder due to increased pressure such as sneezing or coughing, or when there is a problem with the bladder which causes the sudden need to urinate, frequent urination, or leaking urine’.

‘All are terribly frustrating symptoms, and incredibly unnecessary. Not only does ‘Incontilase’ restore women’s dryness, but it also restores their confidence and quality of life. I foresee ‘Incontilase’ will hold a revolutionary place in the future of Gynaecological treatments, and I hope that by introducing it to more women, we can reduce those statistics, and increase the wellbeing of as many women as possible’. Says Dr Mike.

Trained in medicine and medical aesthetics in three continents, Dr Mike founded Géniale just over a year ago, with the intent on empowering women physically and emotionally, through the wonders of cosmetic procedures. Géniale has embraced medical and beauty technology that only a few years ago would be perceived inconceivable, and available to a privileged few. It houses some of the world’s most diverse and technologically advanced equipment in the industry.


About Géniale

Géniale Medical Laser and Cosmetic Surgery is Australia’s most comprehensive cosmetic surgery, wellness and beauty centre. A privately owned practise, it located in Sydney’s harbourside suburb of Drummoyne, providing discretion and ease under the one roof. An elegantly designed, three storey facility, it houses fifteen doctors including cosmetic surgeons, cosmetic physicians, dermatologists, gynaecologists and experts from many other beauty related areas of expertise. Their services are provided through integrated programmes, tailored for the individual, and co-ordinated by their own personal manager.

Founder and CEO, Dr Mike Shenouda’s vision for the centre, is to remove the focus in the cosmetic industry from surgery, to an environment which avoids invasive therapy; where clients can explore what it will really take to make them feel beautiful.

Dr Shenouda obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery in 1986 and pursued further training at London’s Hammersmith Hospital, Bond University and the Australasian College of Aesthetic Medicine. With over 19 years expert experience in skin cancer medicine and surgery, Dr Shenouda is passionate about creating a premium destination designed to deliver a holistic approach to skin cancer treatment, medical aesthetics and wellness.

Dr Shenouda’s greatest joy is to build authentic relationships with Geniale’s clientele, helping them achieve long-term healing and wellness and to create a positive self-image through superior aesthetic results.

For further information, interviews, photography:

E: [email protected] or 0410 112 205