PRESS RELEASE: Water on Tap in Quirindi, a fresh water solution for drought areas
Water on Tap in Quirindi, a fresh water solution for drought areas
The arrival of a large white shipping container housing a desalination plant arrived at Quirindi last week on the 21st February, as a prototype to be used in the production of potable water on stations and towns in drought stricken Australia.
This was the culmination of the work, vision and empathy by an old boy from the bush, Ian Martin Brown. Along with a generous benefactor Andy Simmons (business owner of Rig Fit), in partnership with Salt Free Desalination Australia to provide potable water to support our Australian farmers who are doing it incredibly hard, both with farming and providing the basic living standards in drought stricken remote areas.
Quirindi was selected for the launch of this project because it is the sister city to Blacktown, where Trevor Oldfield, president of Blacktown Chamber of Commerce, CEO & Co founder of “Kids West’ charity (a strong supporter of this project lives). Along with Nathan Rees, former retired Premier of NSW, Brian & Carolyn Schulz, owners from SaltFree Desalination Australia, all combined their expertise and set out to put this vison into a working reality.
Members of the public at the launch were the Mayor of Quirindi ,Andrew Hope , Melanie Dagg- Country Labour candidate for the Upper Hunter, Michael Johnson- sitting National Member for the Upper Hunter region and local press.
The Portable Reverse Osmosis Water filtration Plants have been designed to be housed in a 20ft container which contains a Reverse Osmosis unit, 2 x feed pumps, Carbon filtration, Iron filtration for removal of excess mineral contamination in farmers existing water supply, as well as a UV filtration Lamp, so that any organic contamination is also removed from their supply by way of dual power sources. Able to produce water anywhere and provides for multiple uses from 30,000 litres per day, up to 75,000 litres per day depending on the quality of the water.
These units will offer multiple uses for local councils, and with the possible assistance of local Rotary, Lions and Apex club, SES and CFA groups within their area, will also be of assistance, and a very real solution for individual farmers .These units are mobile, transported on the back of a tray truck and can be taken to the point of need within towns or on properties. These units are donated to individual shires or organisations for their use and discretion; however it is envisaged that the parties utilising the equipment, will in turn contribute by way of funding $80 per day to cover service requirements, membrane and chemical replacements and possible cartage.
If you are interesting in joining this opportunity, or learning more about providing portable water to remote areas
Please contact.
Brian Schulz : SaltFree Desalination Australia.
Mobile 0410 579 651
Email: [email protected]