PRESS RELEASE: Youth Led Academy prepares for Nationwide tour inspiring hundreds

Youth Led Academy prepares for Nationwide tour inspiring hundreds.

The nationwide phenomenon known as Youth Leadership Academy Australia is the brainchild of fifteen- year-old Wil Massara, who noticed the deficiencies in the country’s education system. It all started after he wanted to fill the gaps in the student experience.
After a successful venture in August, the Youth Leadership Academy Australia is returning with yet another exciting event, the State Youth Leadership Conference. With the upcoming conference, YLA aims to reach an even bigger youth population by going nationwide. He’ll be taking this next action-packed, one-day event to:
▪ Perth: Tuesday, 19th March 2019
▪ Melbourne: Tuesday, 26th March 2019
▪ Gold Coast: Thursday, 28th March 2019
▪ Sydney: Monday, 1st April 2019
He started YLA Australia for students to have a platform that is ‘made for the youth, by the youth’ to make better leaders. While some may believe that leadership is an innate quality possessed by very few, Wil believes that it’s a necessary potential to be instilled in the entire youth population with the right approach.
The event is designed to inspire the youth of today, so they become confident leaders tomorrow. It also strengthens the future society to make well-informed decisions and hone better evaluative abilities.
The event comprises talks by a star-studded list of guest speakers, which includes internationally- recognized personalities. There will also be engaging in team activities that focus on enhancing key qualities the education system fails to address, leadership, teamwork, communication, and entrepreneurship.
Each task is carefully crafted with the objective to encourage the youth, so they become community leaders. This leads to a ripple effect of these leaders reaching more youth with their individual skills and charisma.
In the upcoming event, YLA Australia is looking to invite an inspiring panel of speakers who have a positive impact on the participants with their stories, advice, and wisdom. Most importantly, it provides the youth with a platform to embrace their skills, and get a chance to develop them without the intimidating pressures that are common in the education system.
After the conference, YLA Australia makes sure to leverage the momentum that the event creates, by hosting a 3-month post-event program. This helps to encourage the conference’s participants to pursue leadership roles in their community, with our support.
The conference is fueled by the YLA Australia’s mission to create a positively sustainable society in the future, with the help of talented entrepreneurs and leaders. As members of the next generation of leaders, we understand that planning for the future begins today, and that’s why we have taken the responsibility to equip our future leaders with the skills required to lead a positive future.
About Wil Massara
The founder of YLA Australia, Wil Massara is looking to change the dynamics of how education systems enhance leadership skills in students. Looking to build a future that’s positively sustainable, he started the academy so that Gen Z, his generation of talented youths, can develop an impeccable sense of leadership and pursue such roles in their communities.
Wil’s efforts have also been recognized by the WA Youth Awards; he has been nominated as a finalist in the Community Leadership Category for two years in a row. Additionally, he was nominated for the WA Young Achiever Award 2019, and awarded the title of 2018 International Young Philanthropist, as well.
Contact: Kobe Moran Public Relations [email protected]