PRESS RELEASE: Message to our Politicians
What could be worse than the current pandemic?
Plenty, as it turns out…The rampant abuse of children in Australia, with hundreds of thousands of victims who suffer in silence, right here in Australia, what a National Shame for our country!
Our Governments have failed, which is inexcusable, and totally unacceptable. Terrorism laws are swift and severe, and yet our politicians have shown no interested in bringing in the very same harsh laws to those who terrorise children for their deviant ways. Are we missing something here?
Our children need to be protected, so I am advocating and pleading for our Governments to implement the following:
• To give provide a voice for children and youths who are seemingly helpless and have little to no capacity to be heard. Far too often, children are not heard. They should have a right to speak out and to be heard and supported. In my experience no one wanted to listen, they pushed me aside as though these things didn’t happen. It made me feel as though I couldn’t trust anyone.
• To create a place to assist victims of sexual assault with various recovery methods to help them heal from their traumas, both physically and emotionally. As there are so many charities out there, and most of the money is spent on wages, cars, costs of running such organisations, we need a place that isn’t limited by money so you aren’t told that you only get five free sessions, and that’s it.
• Education and Awareness: I believe we need to educate our children throughout primary and high school about being more aware, and how to report such abuse incidents. The system is failing miserably in this regard and has done so for decades. Children who are bullied are most often brushed aside, which makes them feel helpless. This leads to depression, anger, shame, despair, and all too often, suicide. We need to change these things. There are many children who are afraid to speak out about the abuse they are suffering. Our Parliamentary representatives need to use some of our tax money to pay for advertising throughout the year to ensure our children are aware of what to do and they shouldn’t be scared to speak up.
• To assist with funding for legal assistance to stand up for the rights of every Australian child. We need to ensure our children’s rights are not being abused and having a team to ensure that our children are protected as well as being there for them in situations when they need them is paramount.
• All our schools, childcare centres, parks and as many places as possible where our children attend should be under camera surveillance, to ensure that predatory behaviour and offenders are caught as soon as possible. Children are vulnerable in these places, and time and again they have sadly been victims to such deviant acts. Our Government and society have failed these innocent victims.
• To lobby for mandatory sentencing for sex offenders (sentencing at present doesn’t meet community expectations.) We really need to be serious about this. We need to make changes to create deterrents to those who are considering harming children, psychically, emotionally or sexually. We constantly see those who commit such offences not receiving the appropriate sentences.
• To create and maintain a Public Sex Offenders Register: Communities have a right to know that there are predators living among us. They are a real danger to every child, and yet they are hidden from most of us and they use this to their advantage, while deceiving others in our communities. They groom their victims, and pounce at any opportunity that arises. They are just as bad as any potential terrorist, only that they don’t have near the same amount of attention paid to them as terrorists do. It’s not good enough that these deviants are protected in such a way. Countless others have demanded this over the years, and yet, nothing has occurred. Why have Government taking its time to take some affirmative action? This as a very important step, in order to adequately protect our children.
• The removal of all dangerous sex offenders to an isolated place, (such as Christmas Island, or similar), because they should lose their rights to live amongst us. Also, removing their right to vote would prevent them from lobbying for their own deviant means. Such laws will ensure that we are building our communities without these sex predators being a risk to our children, women, and men.
My own story is on the following page, which explains the abuse I went through, as well as the painful memories and grief that I have had to endure all my life.
I am not proud of my life. I am ashamed of it, even though I was abused by others.
This is just one of so many stories, which should be shared as a wake-up call, so our political representatives act decisively. I am striving to make a difference so other children do not have to experience any further abuse. I appreciate it’s going to be a hard challenge and a difficult fight to get our Governments to act.
There is much support for this cause, including the following, and the list is growing –
Child Protection Party
Justice Party
Fighters Against Child Abuse Australia
Remember, this isn’t about me – this is about the children who need our help; it’s about them, and their future. This is an issue that we need to acknowledge and give an urgent priority. We all owe it to our future generations – our children and grandchildren – to make changes from what many of us have experienced. Children deserve the chance at a normal life. The benefits of this will be seen in decades to come, which could prove to be a fine legacy for those who introduce such measures. Such positive benefits could include less mental health issues, less drug use, less suicide, less PTSD and so much more.
The media has the ultimate power. They can push this more than anyone of us can, but I wonder why they don’t? If you have children, or if you may have even experienced some form of childhood abuse, then surely you must at least have empathy for others. Please consider this and ACT NOW!
Jessica X