PRESS RELEASE: Unlock Our Oval During Lockdown Demand Locals

Angry local residents have joined together in an online petition demanding Hornsbyshire Council ‘unlock’ the Mark Taylor Oval in Waitara. The Oval has been ring fenced by the Council and ‘locked out’ the local community for approximately 6 months for re-turfing as they have failed to negotiate delays with the contractor undertaking the works.
Petition organiser Roy Stapleton said “This lock out is happening at the worst time for local residents, when they need their freedom most. We are in the midst of a lockdown, physical and mental health is of vital importance to this community, we shouldn’t suffer for council ignorance”
“This is a densely populated apartment living community, families rely on this space for their children to have a kickabout during their homeschool recess or for the elderly to take their daily walk in this space, it’s not practical to ask these people to walk 25mins to an alternative park” he said.
The outcry of a community already under pressure from lockdown quickly became evident as over 150 people signed the petition in the first 2 days and the signatures continue to grow.
“In ordinary times, nobody would argue with improving the space for the future, it’s the timing and the lack of adaptability by Hornsbyshire Council to Covid-19 lockdown that is causing unnecessary pain. There wasn’t adequate engagement with the community before going ahead, the fences went up and the diggers moved in, leaving residents of all ages and backgrounds feeling they are held captive in their homes.”
Other quotes from locals;
“Has this been thought out by the Hornsby Council?” Said local resident Christine Scott
“It’s not fair for children as lockdown and homeschooling is already taking its toll emotionally” Said local resident Neha Dhoot
“It affects my mental health for which Hornsby Shire is responsible” Said local resident Ameresh Gupta