PRESS RELEASE: Outdoor Play is Healthy Play

Outdoor Play is Healthy Play
Is outdoor play healthy play?
Mark Rubiolo, CEO of an outdoor activities specialist company called Bubbling With
Energy Entertainment commented that “According to Australian Institute of Health
and Welfare reports, our children are literally becoming obese. Why? Because they
are not getting enough healthy outdoor play”.
He commented that the behaviours they cite which influence obesity include:
increased consumption of energy-dense, low-nutrient foods and sugar-
sweetened beverages
insufficient physical activity … especially during the pandemic so many junior
sports teams games and coaching sessions have been cancelled, and play
seasons reduced.
increased sedentary activity such as sitting or lying down on the couch.
increased time spent in front of screens including tablets, PC’s and TV’s.
insufficient sleep.
Mr Rubiolo notes that the report states that “25% of children aged 2-17 in Australia
were overweight or obese in 2017-18. Also, young people aged 15-24 in 2017-18
were more likely to be overweight or obese than those studied in the previous
reports on the same issue.”
It’s unclear yet what affects the lockdowns in our major cities will have on these
figures. Mr Rubiolo commented that we hope it’s more than just the family dog who
is getting lots of outdoor and healthy play and attention as parents work from home,
and kids are home schooled.
He also noted that there’s an interesting “Everyone Can Play” initiative instituted by
the NSW Department of Planning and Environment which encourages councils and
planning organisations to create inclusive play spaces.
Bubbling With Energy Entertainment came out of the famous Life.Be In It campaign
of the 1970’s which promoted active outdoor play. Mr Rubiolo says “That’s what we
specialise in. Whether it be bouncing around on a jumping castle, conquering an
inflatable obstacle course, or practicing soccer and footy shootouts on an interactive
game, your players will get healthy outdoor play with us.”
So, as Mark Rubiolo says, “Let’s get those disturbing obesity figures down with
outdoor play that is healthy play.”
Bubbling With Energy Media Enquiries: Mark Rubiolo 02 9829 8929