PRESS RELEASE: Free Disaster Resilience Toolkit for Regional Businesses

Free Resilience Toolkit Program to make local businesses disaster-ready

Local businesses across Southern New South Wales are the focus of a new online resilience toolkit, which opened for registrations today, to help them prepare for future disruptions and disasters.

The Business Community Resilience Toolkit Program will be delivered by corporate2community via a grant awarded through the joint-funded NSW and Commonwealth Government Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund (BCRRF).

The free 12-month program will be available to local businesses across 11 Local Government Areas: Bega Valley, Cootamundra-Gundagai, Eurobodalla, Goulburn Mulwaree, Greater Hume, Queanbeyan-Palerang, Shoalhaven, Snowy Monaro and Snowy Valleys.

“We’ve been listening to business representatives across the region for the past three months, to make sure the toolkit is as relevant as possible across all business sizes, business types and all communities,” Mel Peverill, Southern NSW Toolkit Project Coordinator said.

“There’s no doubt regional businesses have been doing it tough these last 18 months, with some businesses forced to close their doors. We’ve deliberately made the online toolkit a simple process, designed to help business owners and communities build disaster resilience one small step at a time.”

“The best thing a business can do to support their community is to stay in business. This free program will help all businesses in the region help themselves, by getting them to think seriously about the future,
develop their contingency plans for all types of disasters, and build support networks.”

Corporate2community Director, Renae Hanvin, said the project would empower local businesses and business chambers in Southern NSW to better prepare, connect, and build their resilience.

“This is a new approach to helping business communities work together to build resilience and preparedness in the face of future disasters,” Ms Hanvin said.
“We’re providing the tools, but it’s the community itself that will bring this toolkit to life by connecting, sharing and participating. I’d encourage every local business owner and operator to register for the free program, which will build knowledge and confidence, while helping them become disaster-ready.”

The Business Community Resilience Toolkit Program opens for registrations September 8. The 26-part online toolkit program launches October 5, with fortnightly modules released until October 2022.

Businesses can register for the Business Community Resilience Toolkit Program by visiting

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Renae Hanvin – C2C Director
Mel Peverill – Toolkit Project Coordinator, Southern Region
For interviews:
Lyndal Edwards [email protected] 0411440 096

Funding: C2C has been awarded a $230,820 joint-funded grant by the NSW and Commonwealth Government NSW Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund (BCRRF) to deliver a program to build resilient business communities in the Southern LGA remit of New South Wales. This is a Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund project through the joint Commonwealth/ State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. Although funding for this product has been provided by both the Australian and NSW Governments, the material contained herein does not necessarily represent the views of either government.

corporate2community (C2C) is a certified social enterprise and leader in business community disaster resilience, focused on building resilient businesses, leading collaborations and helping communities thrive. C2C builds long-term relationships with government, corporates, SMEs and communities across Australia and around the world.

Media Contacts:

Name: Lyndal EdwardsCompany: Corporate2CommunityEmail: Phone: 0411440096

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corporate2community (C2C) is a certified social enterprise and leader in business community disaster resilience, focused on building resilient businesses, leading collaborations and helping communities thrive. C2C builds long-term relationships with government, corporates, SMEs and communities across Australia and around the world.