PRESS RELEASE: Australian of Year congratulated for his authenticity, achievements and for being an all-round good bloke

Australian of Year congratulated for his authenticity, achievements and for being an all-round good bloke
Spinal Life Australia congratulates the 2022 Australian of the Year Dylan Alcott OAM for his phenomenal achievements in sport, philanthropy and inspirational disability awareness work.
Spinal Life Australia CEO Mr Mark Townend said Mr Alcott’s recognition was well earned and appropriate as the leading organisation continues its fights to end disability discrimination in Australia.
“If your currently in a Spinal Injuries Ward or are admitted sometime in the future Dylan Alcott clear s proof that life is not over and so many achievements are still possible,” Mr Townend said.
“Time spent in hospital recovering from surgery or an injury is when people feel most alone and vulnerable, and its important to remember that you will be heard, supported and respected – Dylan Alcott has been that consistent voice for these fellow Australians.
“Through his public profile, advocacy and philanthropic work Mr Alcott has worked hard to ensure Australians living with a disability receive the voice, equality and respect they deserve.
“That’s why at Spinal Life Australia we have launched our Disability Doesn’t Discriminate Campaign to help end this inequity and make a fairer Australia.”
Australians would be shocked to know that when the National Disability Insurance Scheme was created in 2013, it excluded people over 65 years of age – a situation that current and former Disability Discrimination Commissioners agree is discriminatory and not in keeping with Australia’s obligations to the United Nations.
Together with 26 partner organisations and the 20,400 individual supporters of the Disability Doesn’t Discriminate campaign, Spinal Life is working to convince politicians that ending age discrimination in the NDIS needs to form part of their election platform.
“We are continuing to raise the awareness of this inequitable situation in the Australian community – letting voters know that their vote could improve the lives of people with disability who have been unfairly and unjustly excluded from the NDIS,” Mr Townend said.
“Mr Alcott is known for being an authentic, high achieving and all-round good bloke. Spinal Life Australia couldn’t ask for a better person to represent the needs and progress the cause of our community.
“We congratulate Mr Alcott on his prestigious win and know that he will use this platform to continue his inspiring work in 2022 and beyond.”
Media contact:
For further comment contact – Mark Townend AM – CEO Spinal Life Australia – 0404 871 579


Media Contacts:

Name: Mark TownendCompany: Spinal Life AustraliaEmail: Phone: 0404871579

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Disability Doesn’t Discriminate, but the Government does. Turn 65 and become disabled, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) – meant to be your safety net – doesn’t cover you. Also excluded, Australians who were over 65 and living with a disability when the NDIS was rolled out. It is discrimination that could impact you, your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, or anyone you love. We need your help to end that. The Disability Doesn't Discriminate campaign is an initiative of Spinal Life Australia