PRESS RELEASE: Aussie Female-Led Company Holland Healthcare Wins American Denobi Awards in Las Vegas

SYDNEY, NSW – Australian female-led company Holland Healthcare has been selected as a winner of the Denobi Awards in Las Vegas in the United States as a recognition for their contribution in making dental care more accessible via teledentistry.

The Denobi Awards are awarded to “industry stars who have made outstanding contributions in the field of dentistry.” These awards are presented at the National Mobile and Teledentistry Conference (NMTC), an annual event held for dental professionals, industry experts, and brand leaders who are paving the way into the future of dentistry. After being nominated by several trailblazers in the dental industry from around the world, Jennifer Holland, the founder and CEO of Holland Healthcare, was selected as a recipient of this prestigious award.

Holland Healthcare is an innovative medical technology and telehealth company with the mission of enabling all individuals with access to quality oral healthcare. The company’s recent invention, TelScope Telehealth System, is a telehealth and teledentistry tool. The system first examines and illuminates inside the mouth. It then transforms any smart device into an intraoral camera to capture a medical grade quality image or video and then connect it to a professional. The system promotes dental-medical integration and empowers dental professionals and their patients with the tools necessary to conduct mobile and virtual dentistry. TelScope is a simple solution for mobile and virtual dentistry, especially in remote, rural, and homecare settings.

Holland Healthcare is led by its CEO and founder, Jennifer Holland, who accepted the award at the NMTC in Vegas this weekend. Jennifer represented both her company and Australia at the conference and at the Denobi Awards ceremony.

“From the medical, dental, and homecare community, bringing you all together is the most important thing we can do,” said Jennifer during her acceptance speech. “The impact that teledentistry can have in remote areas, in rural areas, and for the underserved is incredible. It’s life-changing. Thank you for supporting our mission to provide a simple solution for everyone, anywhere, so they can connect to everyone like you.”

“We would like to extend our congratulations to Jennifer Holland for being an outstanding and worldwide innovator in dentistry,” said the presenter of the Denobi Awards.

Media Contacts:

Name: Casey RoyCompany: Holland HealthcareEmail: Phone: 0407288623

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    Holland Healthcare is an innovative telehealth, teledentistry and medical technology company with the mission of empowering everyone with access to quality oral healthcare.