PRESS RELEASE: Progress towards a national approach to housing affordability and supply

The ALP Federal Campaign Launch details important measures to achieve greater leadership on housing solutions for all Australians.

In the context of Anglicare’s Rental Affordability Snapshot showing almost zero affordable housing options for single people on minimum wages or people relying on the Disability Support Pension, and REIQ showing record-low vacancy rates, we call on all elected Federal politicians in the new Government to commit to serious investment in housing solutions.

“The availability and affordability of housing is a national emergency” says Q Shelter Executive Director Fiona Caniglia. “The talk about the economy and productivity must include a national approach to housing security. How can anyone participate in the economy and employment opportunities without a home as their base?”

Q Shelter works through National Shelter to outline policy and investment solutions to Australia’s housing challenges. National Shelter participates in the National Affordable Housing Alliance inclusive of diverse private and not for profit sector peak bodes all calling for a nationally coordinated approach, significant reforms to the National Housing and Homelessness Agreements and a significant increase in investment in growth of social and affordable housing.

Q Shelter hopes all major parties commit to a national housing and homelessness plan inclusive of an expanded role for NHFIC, a housing investment fund to ensure capital funds for housing growth and a coordinated approach to planning system reforms as well as land banking and land release. Other measures such as shared equity products have been proposed by Q Shelter at the State level and some support at the national level is starting to emerge.

National Shelter working with CHIA National have engaged with all political parties to encourage favourable policies and increased investment to support housing growth.

Q Shelter’s Executive Director, Fiona Caniglia said in this current housing market, the role of the Federal Government had never been more important. ‘Housing need is expanding to encompass more and more households who never would have imagined themselves facing the risk of homelessness’.

Q Shelter is working across various regions including Townsville, South Burnett and the Sunshine Coast to pursue local plans of action to address housing need. ‘The challenges at the front-line are overwhelming and we face the very real risk that homelessness will become so extensive and structurally embedded that it can no longer be solved” says Executive Director Fiona Caniglia.

“We need all political parties to agree on the importance of national leadership on housing solutions. We need all aspiring national governments to commit to a leadership role in which they actively reach out to the States, Local Government, the private sector, and the not-for-profit sector to deliver a suite of initiatives that will guarantee an enabling planning framework, strategic land banking, housing targets for all tenures, and capital funding for social and affordable housing.”

People facing housing stress and homelessness are tired of the different levels of Government blaming each other. “People need hope. They need leaders to be worthy of the community’s trust and be more focussed on practical solutions that go beyond ideology and point scoring”.

Q Shelter has made a budget submission to the State Government, flagging a range of solutions which could be considered in the next State Budget, including a call for better planning, a strong community housing sector, rental reforms and supports for vulnerable groups. Read the submission here

“The face of homelessness is changing and broadening as we hear of more people and families having to live in cars or on couches or in temporary style accommodation,” Ms Caniglia said.
“We need to be doing more at every level of government and across the housing sector broadly to ensure people have access to appropriate, affordable and safe homes.”

Media opportunities for comment by Q Shelter Executive Director, Fiona Caniglia – 0400 1964 92.
Q Shelter Media Contact: Michelle Saftich – 0407 074 645.

Media Contacts:

Name: Fiona CAnigliaCompany: Q ShelterEmail: Phone: 0400196492

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Q Shelter is a statewide peak body working to ensure every Queenslander has a home.