1. 1 in 800 risk of serious adverse health event from mRNA Covid vaccines, a value that significantly exceeds the stated risk interpreted from randomised controlled trials conducted by Pfizer and Moderna prior to provisional approval;
2. 20% increase in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest ambulance call-outs in the UK during 2021 compared to 2019;
3. 25% increase in acute coronary syndrome and cardiac arrest calls in 16 to 39 year old Israelis, specifically associated with the first and second dose of Covid vaccination, not actual Covid infection.
Recent papers present mounting evidence of unacceptable risks of the mRNA Covid vaccines. These peer review and published studies (see attached) appear to confirm serious adverse reactions arising from these vaccines are far greater than presented by the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture and profit from mRNA vaccines.
A recent peer reviewed study published in the Vaccine Journal (August 2022) indicates that mRNA Covid vaccines have a greater risk of causing a serious adverse reaction, resulting in hospitalisation and/or disability, than being hospitalised from Covid infection.
The statement in Point 3 above is critical, as the pharmaceutical industry and many Australian politicians and media outlets claimed that the increased coronary incidents were related to “Long Covid”, not from adverse reactions to Covid vaccine. This was possibly a blatant untruth.
Never before has a vaccine remained on the market with such high incidence of adverse reactions (1:800). Other vaccines have been pulled with far lower risks, such as Swine Flu vaccine: 1:100,000, or Rotavirus vaccine: 1:10,000.
It is now widely accepted that the Covid vaccine (or its boosters) cannot prevent infection nor transmission. Further, Pfizer has now publically admitted their mRNA vaccines were never tested for these critical benefits. More careful analysis of the recently released study data that led to approval of the Pfizer mRNA Covid vaccine, that claimed a 95% risk reduction in infection, was in fact a relative risk reduction. This analysis now confirms that the absolute risk reduction (ARR) was 0.84% (i.e. for every 119 individuals vaccinated, only one would be protected from Covid infection; source The Lancet 2021). Yet these vaccines were widely promoted by most politicians and their “health” advisors on the basis that vaccination would prevent infection and the spread of Covid. Remember the “don’t kill granny” campaigns? Such false claims were not supported by any evidence, and again, were highly likely to be blatant untruths.
It seems quite clear the Covid vaccine was only ever justified for the small population group of elderly with serious co-morbidities, where the initial ancestral strain of SARS-CoV-2 (Covid) indicated a possible mortality rate of 6%. There was no data or evidence to support the widespread and often mandated vaccination of any other population group, particularly when the original serious adverse reaction data from Pfizer and Moderna actually confirmed a higher level of adverse reaction health risk and hospitalisation for the much larger lower risk population group when exposed to the mRNA vaccine.
Any Australian politician that promoted and mandated Covid vaccination removed informed consent to a risky procedure from the vast majority of the population, which also impacted on employment, natural constitutional freedoms of expression and movement. These actions have in effect broken many Australian laws, its constitution, and could leave such politicians potentially liable to prosecution. Further, those employers that effectively terminated any employee for failing to be vaccinated with what were clearly dangerous and ineffective experimental vaccines are probably liable to unfair dismissal actions.
PCS warns of the many dubious “fact checking” groups, particularly their motives and allegiances, that consistently deny the mounting evidence of Covid vaccine harm with any excuse or criticism.
Accordingly, PCS calls on all Australian media to start serious investigation and honest reporting on the actual safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines, and the Australian laws that are likely to have been broken over the past two years by government Ministers, their health officers and many employers. The media must also resist the temptation of censored reporting on this subject due to political affiliations or simply because of a fear of advertising revenue loss.
Accurate and unbiased assessment of Covid vaccine risks is now overdue, as suspension of further Covid vaccination programs may offer a preferable health outcome for most Australians.
Chris Hart D.C. (USA) FGCS Jackie Malady
PCS President PCS Secretary
Attachments and supporting documents:
• Malhortra-JIR-Covid Vaccine Misinformation-Sept 2022
• Fraiman el al-Vaccine-Serious adverse events mRNA Covid vaccines-Sept 2022
• Sun-Increased cardiovascular events in under 40 population-Israel-Covid vaccine-2022
• The Lancet-Covid 19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness-ARR 0.84%-Vol 2, July 2021