1. New study indicates Covid-19 infection does not increase the incidence of Myocarditis or Pericarditis in unvaccinated subjects
2. Significant increases in these serious heart diseases continue to be unexplained by authorities, yet credible studies have been published noting a relationship for these coronary events to recent Covid-19 mRNA vaccination

Many global health authorities and government agencies persist in claiming the increases in Myocarditis and Pericarditis are related to post Covid-19 infection complications that arise from adaptive immune responses. These events have been blamed on Long Covid, and presented, without any scientific evidence, as not being related to serious adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines.

A recent peer reviewed study by Tuvali et al, published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine indicates that there is no increase in the incidence of Myocarditis and Pericarditis in unvaccinated COVID-19 recovered patients compared to uninfected unvaccinated matched controls. This new study is attached.

This study involved a sample group of 787,968 adults, 18 years or older. There were 196,992 adults in the unvaccinated Covid-19 infected group and 590,976 adults in the unvaccinated uninfected group. This sample group is a quantum larger sample group than any of the pre-approval Covid-19 vaccine trials.

No statistical difference in the incidence rate of both Myocarditis (p =1) and Pericarditis (p =0.17) was observed between the COVID-19 infected cohort and the control non-infected cohort. The authors of the study did not observe an increased incidence of either Myocarditis nor Pericarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection, which is completely contrary to the current rhetoric.

The Tuvali study conclusions, when combined with the findings of the Sun et al study, “Increased emergency cardiovascular events among under-40 population”, attached to the PCS media release of 25 October 2022, demonstrating a 25% coronary incident increase in this group of Covid-19 vaccinated people, provides strong evidence as to what maybe causing the sudden and unacceptable increase in these cardiovascular events.

Given the number of leading global experts in the field of immunology, epidemiology and vaccinology that have raised serious concerns about the safety and efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines, and in particular the sudden increase in these cardiac related adverse side effects that apparently primarily impact those vaccinated for Covid-19, PCS again calls on the Australian Government to immediately suspend Covid-19 vaccination programs, and launch and fully fund, an independent investigation, conducted by reputable, qualified, unbiased scientists, into the safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccines.

Media Contacts:

Name: Chris HartCompany: PCSEmail: Phone: 0418399401

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Patrons of Chiropractic Science is a research organisation and registered Australian charity that focuses on Chiropractic clinical research, publication and review of peer reviewed studies and general public health matters.