PRESS RELEASE: When does Social Drinking become Grey Area Drinking?

As we approach the busy festive season, with many back to back alcohol fuelled social events, we may wonder when does our drinking cross the line from ‘social’ to ‘problematic’. Grey Area Drinking Coach Sarah Rusbatch works with individuals and corporates across the country, helping then to change their relationship with alcohol when it has indeed crossed that line. “At this time of year, alcohol is everywhere and we can find ourselves drinking much more than usual. While for some this isn’t problematic, for others it leads to consistent, increased consumption that is hard to change. Some clear signs that our drinking has developed beyond simply social drinking into ‘Grey Area Drinking’
1. We find ourselves making rules around our drinking (how many, how often)
2. We are disappointed if we can’t drink at any event
3. We need more and more to get the same ‘buzz’
4. We are using alcohol to manage stress, fall asleep, reduce overwhelm
5. We are experiencing negative consequences from our drinking (poor sleep, anxiety, lethargy, decreased sense of wellbeing) but find it hard to stop

Sarah has now supported thousands of individuals to break the Grey Area Drinking cycle.

Contact: Sarah Rusbatch
Tel 0451 055147
Email: [email protected]

Media Contacts:

Name: Sarah RusbatchCompany: Sarah RusbatchEmail: Phone: 0451 055147


    About Sarah Rusbatch

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    Sarah Rusbatch is one of Australia's only accredited Grey Area Drinking coaches and works with individuals across the country to change their relationship with alcohol.