PRESS RELEASE: Tour guide association’s new Management Committee appointments create broader representation across Australia

Tour Guides Australia recently held its 2022 Annual General Meeting. New president Leanne Saward was appointed. Another ten appointments on the day saw the Management Committee now representing Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.
Tour Guides Australia welcomes four new Management Committee appointments Birgitta March, Greg Esnouf, John Hart and Rosemary Maimonis. Appointments to the association’s executive are Leanne Saward (President), Susan Rees (Vice President), Michelle Jago (Secretary), and Katy Pavlova (Treasurer). Catherine Cardinet, James McFarlane, and Julian Nicolle return to the committee. Both outgoing President Jim McInerney and Treasurer Paul Perrottet did not seek reelection at the meeting but will continue to support the committee during the transition.
President of Tour Guides Australia, Leanne Saward, says, “The association’s depth of members enabled a natural transition of a management committee with an even greater diversity of experience from more regions across Australia. Our committee members are all tour leaders and bring a skill set that includes training and education, tourism operations, adventure tourism, accessible tourism, foreign languages, product development and marketing.”
The Management Committee will continue to provide multiple pathways to national accreditation for tour guides. Enhancing networking and education opportunities for members and delivering a Foundation Tour Guide micro-accreditation course are vital priorities.
New and experienced tour guides seeking opportunities that national accreditation provides can join Tour Guides Australia by visiting