PRESS RELEASE: People are flock from all over Australia to the Off-Grid Living Festival

With energy bills on the rise, an unstable economy, and the climate crisis now in the forefront of the media everyday people are seeking out a new and better way to live. Going off-grid, future-proofing, self-sufficiency and being sustainable used to be ‘alternative’ phases, but are now become part of the everyday vernacular. With the fifth Off-Grid Living Festival just around the corner people are getting excited about this great opportunity to find practical solutions, products and learn new skills to help achieve this dream lifestyle.

Held in the foothills of Victoria’s Alpine ranges, the township of Eldorado explodes into a hub of sustainable activity for one weekend as the event attracts thousands of people from all over the country. With some travelling from as far as Western Australia and Darwin it’s easy to see just how sort-after these topics are. The event covers everything off-grid from the latest energy and transport technologies for people who are interested in high-tech solutions, through to back-to-basics skills for those looking to live a low impact life of simplicity.

One of the unique aspects of this festival is its ability to bring together the best from the past, present, and even a glimpse into the future. With no pre-defined expectation of what ‘off-grid living’ must be, the event makes people feel welcome to approach these topics from any point of view. At this event people don’t just talk about the problems, they offer practical and achievable solutions in many formats.
This is an interactive weekend with 5 talks stages, workshops and live demonstrations happening everywhere, 200 friendly exhibitors that are open to chatting about their products, lifestyles and skills and plenty of great food and entertainment for the whole family to enjoy.

By combining education and entertainment this event appeals to people from all-walks of life and empowers them to take their energy needs into their own hands, transition to sustainable lifestyles, build self-sufficiency skills and get off the grid.

Off-Grid Living Festival
15 & 16th April 2023 (9am-4:30pm daily)
Centennial Park, Eldorado, Victoria

Media Contacts:

Name: Kate NottinghamCompany: Off-Grid Living FestivalEmail: Phone: 0411865563

About Off-Grid Living Festival

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A massive eco-festival that combines education and entertainment to help make the move to a more sustainable lifestyle fun and enjoyable. Explore the best from the past, present and a glimpse into the future and explore what a low-impact/high tech life might look like.