PRESS RELEASE: Poll Reveals a Majority of Aussies Prefer to Wash Clothes in Cold Water citing Environmental Concerns
A recent poll conducted by Australian eco-friendly laundry brand, Hudstone, revealed that 56% of customers prefer to wash their clothes with cold water, while 8% opt for hot water, and 36% use both.
Washing clothes with cold water has a host of benefits, including energy savings, color retention, and fabric preservation. Cold water washing is also more eco-friendly, as it helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve natural resources. With more and more Australians becoming environmentally conscious, it’s no surprise that Hudstone customers are leading the charge towards this eco-friendly laundry solution.
“As a brand committed to sustainability, we’re thrilled to see that more than half of our customers are making the eco-friendly choice to wash their clothes with cold water,” said Davis. “Not only does this save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but it also helps to preserve the quality and lifespan of your clothes.”
Customers commented that their most common reason for choosing cold water was for the energy savings, also noting that they prefer cold water to help preserve the colours of their clothes and fabric.
Hudstone, a family business founded by Liz Davis, offer a range of eco-friendly laundry products that are specifically designed to work for cold water washing. The company’s mission is to help people live a more eco-friendly lifestyle by offering products that are good for both the planet and the consumer.
“Washing your clothes with cold water is a simple and effective way to reduce your carbon footprint and live a more sustainable lifestyle,” added Davis. “We’re proud to offer a range of safe eco-friendly laundry products that make it easy for people to make this important choice.”
For more information on Hudstone and their range of eco-friendly laundry and kitchen products, please visit:
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