PRESS RELEASE: Is Dr Google Becoming a Real Doctor? How Australian GPs Are Using ChatGPT
Sydney, Australia – 16 November 2023 – A new survey of Australian GPs has found that most are open to using large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT in their practice and a quarter are already experimenting with this technology.
The survey, conducted by Fifth Quadrant, found that nearly one in five GPs are already using LLMs and 70% are open to using them in the future. The most common use cases for LLMs in general practice include:
Understanding complex medical information: 51% of GPs would consider using an LLM to help diagnose a patient, and 8% are already doing so.
Analyzing patient data: 66% would consider using LLMs for drug interaction checks and prescription validation, and 63% would consider using them to understand a patient’s medical history.
Staying up-to-date with the latest medical research: 69% would consider using LLMs to keep up to date with the latest research published in medical journals.
Educating patients and staff: 67% would use LLMs for patient education and 66% would use LLMs for staff training.
Streamlining workflows: 75% of GPs are open to using LLMs to improve business processes.
The survey findings suggest that there is an urgent need for policy and regulation about how to use LLMs responsibly in general practice. Until such policies have been developed, GPs and general practices should use LLMs with caution.