PRESS RELEASE: Son Protection! – helping boys avoid violence this Summer Hols

Just one punch is all it takes to ruin so many lives . So why are boys not being taught how to avoid coward punches and random acts of violence ?
Especially in the sweltering summer holidays when assaults and street aggression notoriously hit a peak?
Good questions! The schools don’t do it , parents generally don’t , and boys are left to figure it out themselves. Hope is not a plan!
That’s why Patrick Moore , an Holistic Self Defence coach + Fitness Boxing Trainer is helping kids “get fit not hit” in time for the holidays. Patrick says:
“Learning these life skills are as important as learning to swim. Assaults in public against youths are increasingly common. But there are solutions. We CAN do something.”
As the Northern Beaches (Sydney) PCYC youth coach, Patrick was bombarded with a ton of questions from his 11-14 year old students about how to avoid a punch up , how to stand up for others and how to deal with a thug.
That’s why he started Winning Without Fighting , a 3 hour workshop (parents welcome) , where boys learn to :
– de escalate conflict
– spot red flags
– walk more confidently (studies show this helps)
– unleash their voice not their fists – called Tongue Fu (:
– and yes , get fit not hit
It’s all about resilience , respect (including to women + girls ) and recognising & responding to conflict with confidence. And getting fighting fit too – as Tim one 11 year old said “I just wanna get ripped !” They are starting young these days !
In a nutshell I show them how to get fit like a Fighter then show them how NOT to fight – because nobody wins a street fight .
The big message is :
You’re Stronger than You Think to win without fighting.
Give me a call for more info , bio ,or pics pH 0451 533 266
There’s a workshop this Sunday 10th and a few over the break .
Thanks for reading ,
Patrick Moore
PCYC Youth Coach & Holistic Self Defence Trainer